possible to grow in under 2 feet of space?


Well-Known Member
i wanna do a very stealthy grow which will be under my bed. i have about 20 inches of height and i plan on getting a small cardboard box and putting 6 cfls in it. the box is 16x16x18in. will this be enough to complete a whole grow? like veg till its 10 inches and then flower?


Well-Known Member
Your math doesn't work out. If you veg til its 10 inches and you add the pot which should be at least 6 inches high, that's 16 inches already. Your box is 18"inches high. Allowing space for lights and stretching, you'll grow out of that box right away or in the first few days of flowering. The plant will double or even triple in height once you put it on 12/12.


Well-Known Member
dam lmao what should i do the pot will be small it dosent need to be huge like 4 inches and then flower when te plant is about 8 inches high


Well-Known Member
Anything is possible.

12/12 light from seed with a small container might keep it small enough. LST. Dwarf seeds are another option.

You are that plants god - you control EVERYTHING!


Well-Known Member
well i have white widow seeds which i plan to grow if i start off 12/12 from seed and the box is 18 inches tall they should give me a decent yield correct? just enough for personal use the box is 16x16x18 and i plan to have as many cfls as i can fit in there


Well-Known Member
ive got 15"x16"x20"h box, im flowering 2 plants in it atm that are about 16-20" tall, theyre tied down and growing around the edge of the pots.
using 1 90mm PC fan and a proper 125w CFL

