Possibly something wrong! (Save my PLant)?


Hello all, My name is MR B panda-blackpanda for long

I am a relative new grower and I am growing one autoflowering road runner and one white widow.

- I am growing in MG
-I stalk these forums along with grasscity in order to diagnose my problems already
-I water every 3 days till run off comes out the bottom
-I use cfls



my bad I lost a plant last year and it broke my heart, hate when things die in general. The roadrunner is having red spots along the edges and curling a little


Well-Known Member
my bad I lost a plant last year and it broke my heart, hate when things die in general. The roadrunner is having red spots along the edges and curling a little
Well you have not added any nutrients yet im guessing ?
It does not look bad anyway , my guess is that MG soil is pretty well loaded to feed your plants for 1-2 months , if im correct your young seedlings are prob suffering from slight nute burn , next time mix in more perlite and i would advise using root riot cubes to start your seedlings off in future , just a thought...


I have not added nutes should I not add any? In addition to that should I go and get perlite? I have 2 pc fans one for each plant per chamber, is that enough? Sorry about the bumbardment of questions my plants change so fast everyday so, my thought was that it could decrease in health the same way.


Well-Known Member
I have not added nutes should I not add any? In addition to that should I go and get perlite? I have 2 pc fans one for each plant per chamber, is that enough? Sorry about the bumbardment of questions my plants change so fast everyday so, my thought was that it could decrease in health the same way.
It is my opinion that new seedlings feed themselves for the first 2-3 weeks from the nutrients in the shell , plus you are using MG soil , which is far from inert, it has feed already added as it is made for the @hobby home gardener@ , so i would add no feed for a 3 week period at least, i would only add perlite now if you were going to transfer to bigger pots, or next time , with MG , do a 50/50 soil perlite mix....


ah ok,
my first plant died because I beleive of a N deficient, the drooping yellow death

I just didn't want another dificiency again or oversomething


Well-Known Member
N, DEf is usually spotted early with the yellowing and drooping of fan leaves , the burn on your leaves is on the edge and tips , quite normal for a young seedling in Mg soil , Becareful not to overwater , i'm guessing this is what killed your previous plant , that and to dense soil , i have run a test with a plant suffering from a N def, and flowered it out , it didnt die , but was not the best....


The orginal set of leaves and those little "nub" looking leaves are kind of yellow idk if you can tell that in the pic but they are fadded green a little, not yellow or dropping yet. though the nub leaves are yellow. And yes I did water alot last grow. My soil as of now is pretty dry until I go about an inch under the soil. As of now Im trying to water by eye and weight rather then days


Well-Known Member
Weight is the right way to do it , knowing Mg it would be every 3-4 days , the first set of leaves always drop off , i always pull them off, very often my next set off leaves yellow and drop off also.........
Remember over annaylisation is normally the biggest issue when growing in soil ,
do the easy things right and you will be good....


You have calmed me down a large bit, If I post an update in about 4 or 5 days would you mind taking another look?


Well-Known Member
You have calmed me down a large bit, If I post an update in about 4 or 5 days would you mind taking another look?
Yup no problem , i have subbed to the thread , when you type something i am alerted on my profile page .......
Just make sure that crazy cat in your avatar keeps it's distance lol


Is the cat a big issue I mean, he likes to sleep by the grow box to keep warm at night and someitmes on top of it, hahaa but never in it


Well-Known Member
Is the cat a big issue I mean, he likes to sleep by the grow box to keep warm at night and someitmes on top of it, hahaa but never in it
Yes , i don't like cats and they don't like me hahaa, i didnt mean keep him from plants !


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2042354update and its tons worse please someone save my baby :/
for me it looks better ,
your new growth is nice and green and dank looking , ok , so you still have a little tip burn from the soil , and the leaves that were yellowing are still yellow , no panic , she will grow and grow well imo , just be patient , keep your light as close as possible,
Shes not even stretched ,
she will be ok.
Have faith , do not overwater :)