Post pics of your FIM's


New Member
Please prove this technique thru examples.

I've read about how great FIM is. GrowFAQs says you can turn one growtip into 4, 6 or even 8! Wow.

Does anyone have any pics of this technique working the way he says it will? If you FIM the main cola, does it reduce the yeild? or increase the yeild? or simply split the same yeild of one cola into multiple grow tips?

Can you please post your pics of a FIMed topped female. Or just reply your experience.

Thanks everyone. :joint:


New Member
o.k., fine. you don't have to post pics!

but can anyone here actually confirm that this FIM technique gives you more then 2 new grow tips?

the growFAQs says 4, 6 or more growtips. anyone been able to get that? are they full sized grow tips or just many smaller ones?

bump, goddammit!


New Member
alright. so no one has pics of FIM.

maybe because nobody here is admitting to liking FIM!

to all those interested, i have not found one person yet to admit that they get the 4, 6 or more new growtips from FIM topping technique. from everything i gather, FIM simply slows down growth for about a week, and produces misshapen leaves and 2 new growtips.

standard topping produces the same 2 new growtips with a day or two recovery.

lesson seems to be: DON'T FIM.

if anyone says different, i'm waiting to hear from you...


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I can tell you my experience. I printed out the fim and tried it on a couple of tables of plants. Did not increase yield just spread it around. Since my ceiling are 10' tall height is not an issue. I haven't fim'd again. VV


Well-Known Member
If anyone has any good pictures of the process of doing a fim and maybe the after results, it would be really cool if they could post them.

If the pictures are really good then we would like to use them in the new faq, and you could tell us what you did and how you did it.

Anyone who submits an article suitable to go on the faq wil have their name credited on the article.


New Member
What you're talking about is topping. We do it to all our mother plants. IMO it splits the yield of one cola into lots of smaller colas.

I couldn't find any more pic's. The 3rd pic' is of a vegging mom. she's twice the size of that now and the pic' is only a few days old. long live dwc!



New Member
whoa, skunk. that is one trained bitch! it looks like it got into a fight with a kite.

Well, i know everyone uses topping. but i'm refering to this FIM topping technique from the FAQs.

so are you confirming that you get MORE THEN TWO new grow tips from an FIM? do you have any before and after pics? or do you have any pics of a shoot that is split with four growtips instead of two?



New Member
When I first top I end up with a minimum of 4 shoots, usually 6 or even 8. Then i top again and end up with between 8-16 shoots. It's possible to get upwards of 200 clones from a single mom. 200 is my limit then one of her clones takes over to be mommy.

It's worth noting that not all of these shoots will turn into main colas, and you may find yourself stripping many of them to get the growth to the colas that deserve it most.


Active Member
These aren't mine, they are Overgrow salvage, as is the preceding article.

One reason to prune is to increase yield or lower plant profile by topping the plants grow tips. The traditional method involves removing the entire growth point but there are now other methods such as the FIM which can dramatically affect the appearance of the plant and perhaps increase yield by increased branch stucture.

From a post by Bud-E

This was originally published as TIP OF THE MONTH "Page 102" in the HighTimes Magazine July 2000 issue.

To increase yeilds and maximize space, many farmers "top" their plants-snip off the top bud. Tradionally, topping your plant causes two shoots to grow back in place on the one pruned off, thus increasing the number of top/main buds. Well thanks to a loyal reader, we've topped that.

This tip came to me by snail mail from South Carolina, With a diagram and a name for this technique. The letter says, "I discovered by accident a pruning technique that all growers should know about". As I read his letter, I remembered that the same thing had happened to me many times and I never took notice. I too occasionally got up to five or six new shoots growing from what I thought was a sloppy topping attempt.

Diagram A shows the tradional method of topping: cutting the whole node off cleanly, to induce the stalk to split into two. But diagram B indicates to make the cut below the center of the node, leaving about 10% intact. This is the key, because the vegetation left behind has cells that are rapidly dividing in many different directions. This can lead to as many as EIGHT tops from a single pruning.

The contributor did not give their name, but requests this be called the "FIM" technique. He also adds, "this pruning technique could revolutionize indoor gardening".



Well-Known Member
Thats cool, but I wouldnt be able to put that in the new faq, we are trying to move away from the old faq that was filled with stolen overgrow faq.


New Member
thanks for posting the pics, Nova! unfortunately, i cant really make out the number of grow tips which grew out of the FIM top.

Skunk, thanks for the input. so do you confirm the week-long down time from FIM? is the technique those pics show exactly how you preform it?

sorry to be a pest. i'm just looking to confirm some possibly eronious information on the FAQ.

example: I air dryed my bud using this instructions of joe glass in the growFAQs found here:

he recommends: "At harvest-time all you have to do is cut the plant as low as possible and hang the whole thing upside down to dry on a line."

so, he intends to manacure later, as he goes on to say, once it is dry. this is bad advice, IMO. i tried it, and cutting off dry fan leaves was difficult and shook and rattled the dry tric stalks more then when wet and sticky. i think i lost too many trics in the process. whatever, my mistake. i should have followed the grow bible's instructions.


Well-Known Member
The pics posted (even though they have been deemed "unusable for the FAQ" are perfect and show exactly what to look for when TOP/FIMing.

I like it much better than the simple drawing diagrams... this is SO MUCH BETTER... more confirmation of the technique would be great.


New Member
I wouldn't recommend hurting your plants other than to take clones from a mother or to remove lower, unwanted growth.

Bending, if needs be is also acceptable. Grow how you like, experiment, that's what i did.


New Member
cool. thanks. but it looks like you got only 2 new grow tips from the topped sites. right?
Are you saying people get more?

Ah, i think I see. At first you get two grow sites, but when you chop these two you end up with four. So after each top, each grow site doubles. It's a process. You can't top one grow site once and end up with four grow sites. It doubles each time you top.


New Member
Are you saying people get more?

Ah, i think I see. At first you get two grow sites, but when you chop these two you end up with four. So after each top, each grow site doubles. It's a process. You can't top one grow site once and end up with four grow sites. It doubles each time you top.
no! damnit! the growFAQs says that if you use the FIM technique instead of regular topping, that ONE FIMmed growtip will produce 4, 6 or more new growtips.

and i quote from the growFAQs: "...diagram B indicates to make the cut below the center of the node, leaving about 10% intact. This is the key, because the vegetation left behind has cells that are rapidly dividing in many different directions. This can lead to as many as EIGHT tops from a single pruning."

this is what i'm trying to verify. noone, so far, can verify that this method works.

myMUSICveins GC says of FIM in his FAQ: "what it is, is simply a delayed top."

it has yet to be proven that FIM is anything other then a fucked up topping attempt, that causes a week downtime for your plant to heal and grow 2 new tips, the same as a regular top.


New Member
Ah, sorry about that. i've not read about it before. Whatever happens, once the main branch is split the branches coming off it are smaller so you should yield the same. The plant being wider does give it access to more light all the way through the plant so per plant you may yield more, but you won't be able to fit as many plants below the light.

I feel there is little point in it, apart from getting more clone sites from a mom. Yet, I still prefer just good ol' fashioned topping. This leaves me with more than enough colas to deal with.

Although, i would also be interested to see some of these new grow sites you speak of. I just can't see it, myself.