Post Something Nice About The Poster Above You


Well-Known Member
Lefty dont know yet but from wat yessi says he's a stand up speedo's ha ha ,And he's lefty!!
Well I already said he has a big PEEN!

@botanist95 has a great sense of humour and a fun-loving attitude towards life. He and his wife are probably into some kinky shit that would make my head spin. Which is pretty cool.

He's super nice, kind, and a real contributor of happy thoughts and penis shots!

I didn't know that last part would rhyme - but that's cool.



Well-Known Member
@Yessica... Has a big heart and not a big vaj from wat i m guessing? But beyond that she has her fits of depression which she karma's back to kindness!! She has a very nice bum and she can lift barbells with her nips!! ha ha She makes funny sounds with her nose due to a softball catch to her face even though i thought it was funny but it prolly wasnt. ty for being my beautiful blonde bombshell on riu!!


Well-Known Member
Yessi is like a kitten...a bundle of energy, cute as a button.... but with claws.
Tough as nails at first glance, but what makes her special is her heart, its huge.
Oh @dannyboy602 , where do I begin?

He has been nothing but lovely to me since day 1. He's supportive of problems and really kind. He sounds like he would suck a dick like he was mad at it, and I would LOVE to party with him someday.

I hope he finds the best life partner that treats him the way he deserves and they live happily ever after!!!


Well-Known Member
It is more to do with overall vibe you give off...people talk about pussy here all the seem to be the only one that is unable to communicate your love of puss without being gross about it.