Post That Sack You Just Got

so what is QWISO? i have probly 2 oz of bud that i ran, i could make it with that?

any links would be helpful. thanks.

Quick Wash ISO hash.

1) Get a glass jar that will hold the amount of bud you have, plus leaving a little bit of room above it.
2) Fill glass jar with buds
3) Get 91% or 99%(The highest you can find) ISO alcohol and pour it into the jar that is holding the buds.
4) Fill to the just over the top of the budline.
5) Shake like a mofo for 45 seconds or so
6) Strain into pyrex pan using whatever method you want. (coffee filters, very fine mesh tea strainers, ect.)
7) Evap. the alcohol just like you would butane when running BHO (like in benassi's picture) Mind you this takes WAY longer than butane.
8) Go ahead and scrape when its done.
2 minutes is at least 1 minute too long,try this.
Here's an easy way Too do iso that I kinda like,hope this helps someone.

Pic one is the stuff.
pic two is laying the piece of 120 silkscreen in the bowl,make sure no plant material slops through into the bowl .
pic three is the plant material dried out and broken down somewhat,just crumbled by hand is all.Not trying to make it into powder as that will get through the screen.
pic four is how much material goes into the jar.
pic five is how much iso I put in the jar.
pic six is the jar dumped into the bowl after shaking vigorously for 45 seconds,I use a watch.
I kinda swoosh the screen around in the iso with the material submerged for a couple secs to let the trichs settle through the screen a bit.Then wad it all up and squeeze the iso out into the bowl,squeeze it like you fucking hate it.I also use the same iso to rinse multiple jars in a run,thicker is better to a certain extent.
pic seven is the bowl going under a fan for a day or so to evap off,never,ever use heat.
See ya in a day or so too scrape out the bowl and have a looksee..........laters.
Attached Thumbnails

oh hah thats the way ive done it before.

taint, wondering the same as pilgram. does it start taking out the chlorophyll after 45 secs?
It extracts more plant matter the longer you expose it. I've seen ISO look as clear and bomb as BHO with short short exposure times in the tek. The "60" second time is just an average time to use... It isn't literal, everyone should use all instructions as a guideline, good product comes from adjusting your tek as you go along. Trial and error
45 seconds is in my experience a good balance between yield and quality,quicker is better but lesser and vice versa.
After a minute,again in my experience/preference creates an obviously inferior product,again merely my opinion........I assume it's the chlorophyll leaching.
I do a rough grind and use good screens to avoid material contamination,I aim for zero plant matter but in reality that's prolly impossible using iso unless it's just a quick wash.
I can't stress enough the diff good screens will make over coffee filters,step up yer game fellas here's a link.
mmmmmmmmmmm pineapples.


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Pineapple Express


For the uneducated: Yes, it's a real strain by G13 labs. Quite good actually bongsmilie;-)

Excuse the though-the-jar photos, I vac sealed it after I realized I didn't have any pics.


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The pineapple express is great.. has this unique fun high, smells good. Its something you could have a few ozs of and not get bored with it easily. Also frosty nuggets