..: Post Your AutoFlower Pics :..

lol nice bighill bring back the autos this is LaDiva great strain one of my favorites tasty smoke
and the last pic is my new auto La fruti De Venus :leaf:
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What yield did ya get from the La Diva? thinking of trying it for my next grow
004.jpg010.jpg009.jpgMy first proper grow, im growing 8 snowryder bought from sensi seeds in amsterdam on a trip last month!! here's how t011.jpghere goin its about week three plenty of pistills showing now tho cant see due to crappy camera, hopefully have better camera b4 next update!!

lookin B.E.A.Utiful man, another week will be fine, they look pretty much done now, as long as 3/4 of your pistils have turned orange your good to go, and yours look pretty much there. Mine turn out anything like that ill be chirpin, let me no the harvest, would like a rough estimate on how much ill yield, also the smoke let us no how she tokes cause i havnt tried this strain b4, u dont find it in the coffee shops in Dam put it that way!!!Peace