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Oof, so those wirey strands can be tricomes indeed huh? I had that in my last grow lost the tent to botritys and seeing little webs like that just tore it for me but I didnt see heads or maybe I did on some which made me think its trichs. Then later grew weirder and more mold like, idk.

Just a really bad run lol big fans for air circulation a must, noted! But ya I dont see this phenom often. Mutated trich?
Hey bud that particular one is a elongated trich originating from a pistil.
Kongs Krush by green house seeds. Second plant from seed. I liked the last pheno better so far but this might of got knocked up by the porto leche. Going to grow out the seeds and mother it if its something cool. Pollen chuck might call it chuck norris.
