post your foliar spray mixes.


Active Member
hey guys i was just wondering what you all use for foliar sprays. im looking for one that wont burn the leafs on my plants due to nute buildup on the leafs


Active Member
ok ill start first. i use a techniflora mix for foliar spraying about 5 to 10 minutes before lights go out. it consists of 500ml tap water 2.5 ml bc boost, 2.5ml bc bloom. 1.5 ml awesome blossoms. 2.5 ml magical and 2.5 ml sugardaddy. its best to spray right before lights out and while temps are around 70-73 degrees. the reason you spray when temps are low is because at lower temps your plants stomata (pores on the underside of leafs) are open, 80 degress and above they probably arent open at all. when spraying hit the topside as well as the underside of your leafs with a fine mist, dont drench. Anyone else care to share?


Active Member
In veg I spray b52 every once every 2 weeks. And thats about it unless your throwing in pesticides and I spray neem,sometimes azamax and I try to keep the girls in check with green cure from time to time to try to prevent PM.
I read an article about a professional grower's gardening methods in a popular cannabis culture magazine that suggested that the best time to foliar feed is during the plant's dark cycle, before your lights turn on. Also, to add a wetting agent, a.k.a. a surfactant, to your foliar feed solution, which helps increase the solution's absorption by allowing the liquid solution to spread more evenly across the leaf's surface. The solution she used was made from the General Hydroponics Flora series nutrients, no more than 1 t Flora Micro, 1 t FloraGro, and 1 t Flora Bloom, per 1 gallon of water. I've been using this mix on my vegging plant for several weeks now, starting with a very weak solution of 1/4 t of each nutrient per gallon water, and slowly increasing the amount of nutrients to water. I allow it to fully absorb until the leaves are dry, and before their lights turn on for the day. About once a week I'll spray the leaves with plain 'ol distilled water, to help rinse off any buildup that may have accumulated on the leaf surfaces. While the foliar feed absorbs, I make sure the plant has good air ventilation, to discourage any mold or mildew from growing on the wet leaves. It does seem to be encouraging more branching, and the leaves look nice and healthy. I'd probably see more significant results from the foliar feeding if I used the full strength mix of 1t/1t/1t per gallon, but this early on in the plant's vegetative stage, I prefer to err on the side of caution and under- foliar feed rather than over feed - I can always add more.


Well-Known Member
I only folie feed .. or actualy spray/mist em in erly veg. since my humidity is like 40% (+-5) in my appartment and I dont like to changes that .. also good for flowering ..

my nutriens I try to keep in my soil mix .. if I use a littel I use a cuano tea or sumthing and I water with it ..

I might turn to foilie feeding if I notice a deficiency tho .. to try and correct it fast if possible ..

the one I use for seedlings and early Veg. is just pure rain water .. maybe with a littel yucca or wet betty in it to help break water tension ..
beside that I also use a mild solution early on of Kelp/root power to help the small seedlings grow roots ...

and I only mist them in the morning .. early .. NOT before light go out .. and I only mist them underneed the leaves as it is ther they breath ..
tho most of the plant is mists when Im done :D


Well-Known Member

I have been toald and read many places that Ppl. have great succes with super thrive .. a drop in a liter ..
might try it some day when I stumple over some :D


Active Member
ok ill start first. i use a techniflora mix for foliar spraying about 5 to 10 minutes before lights go out. it consists of 500ml tap water 2.5 ml bc boost, 2.5ml bc bloom. 1.5 ml awesome blossoms. 2.5 ml magical and 2.5 ml sugardaddy. its best to spray right before lights out and while temps are around 70-73 degrees. the reason you spray when temps are low is because at lower temps your plants stomata (pores on the underside of leafs) are open, 80 degress and above they probably arent open at all. when spraying hit the topside as well as the underside of your leafs with a fine mist, dont drench. Anyone else care to share?

sweet, someone else who uses technaflora!

I haven't done sprays much atm so i can't really contribute much, but thanks for the info.