Post your light!!!

Chilled 400watt double light with chilled controller. Spent $1300 total . I love love love my chilled light though. Also running 2x qb288s.
Sorry for lazy pics.
Can you show us how the color looks it puts out & the bottom? That's cool, never saw the factory housing for those panels. So it's like a bar design right?
What spectrum did you choose from them? If it were the older Burple one I'd put it between the 2 QB's.
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Pic 1: blue @ 5% - red and white off
Pic 2: white @ 5% - blue and red off
Pic 3: red @ 5% - blue and white off
Pic 4: turned off
Pic 5: generative default mode (401 watts at wall according to kil-a-watt meter)
Pic 6: vegetative default mode
Pic 7: inside. Other side has a fan, there is no heat at all other then directly under the lights.
I bought this in November '17, gen2, I've only done 1 run so far (Currently on 2nd run), but the auto lemon i grew under the chilled light was amazing. I really like diy, but having the Cadillac (or whatever the top of the line equivalent is) of grow lights is a pretty nice feeling.
I had a veg light break so I picked these up at the local hydro store there 40 bucks for each bar and 10 bucks for the black thing that hold them together, can hook up a max of 8 for each fixture I just used 2 to keep the plants alive before I buy a new veg light as well as a new flower light!1518397601992-394134640.jpg 1518397642907-264794905.jpg
Sorry I threw the box away already, but I believe they are sun system or sun something and it's nothing but a t5 with a led t5 bulb replacement and they work great amazing light output, but by buying the led bulbs for 20 a pop! They are 10 times more par or w.e. the guy at the store showed me the difference in their meter! Sold separately lol
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