Yuuuuup... guilty too.... getting a lil tent to do test runs in b4 firing up the 1k, co2 and a/c'd from again so gimme like a week diggy... we'll be in budset before u kno it.... chem looks killllller btw
*It happened in Monterey a long time ago it happened in Monterey in Old Mexico* thats Frank Sinatra for all you youngsters that don't know your ass from a hole in the ground
Btw went into flower on the FSOG tonight. 4 by 4 tent plus an auto cheese cuz I've never smelled cheese before. 8 blub t5 so well see. Also bought an ac for the 1k room, which I'm seriously thinking of tenting as well 6 x 6....we'll see.... Evil laugh...
Yeah but kali sucks!!! Just kidding San Diego's my hometown and i miss it dearly. An offlota of people put way too much time into making things perfect out here. That being said we do grow best pot in the whole country no arguments accepted.
Alright let's try this again. I was up until midnight trying to figure out how to get the god damn screws into the angle arm bar things where's a carpenter when you need 1. But as far as my first scrog goes I'm fairly pleased. you can see the 3 surviving FSOG's and an auto cheese something called white cheese from G 13 I believe. I'll transplant 1 more time in to 5 gallon buckets and then we'll see what the results are. It's not like they're under 1000 with an AC in the room now is it. Just checking out to see how to genetics look. That they're going to be fire though. Let's try this picture 1 more time shall we