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Holy shit i love all the Bud pron :D Its been crazy busy in my garden. I just chopped Korean Stick Bud in a 10 Gallon along with a Caramel Candy Kush from Sannies which has impressed me. She was given little to no attention and thrown in a 3 gallons on day 2 of flowering but still came out colorful and dense. She has purple hues all over here and smells like Generic berry candy with a light caramel scent. Then today I chopped my 2 heavy yielders Kshdoctor and Space Cream (strawberry pheno) on Day 65
And now for my pics
Space Cream Heavy Yielding Strawberry PhenoDSCN5547.jpgDSCN5550.jpgDSCN5553.jpgDSCN5555.jpgDSCN5556.jpgDSCN5557.jpg
Caramel Candy KushDSCN5565.jpgDSCN5566.jpgDSCN5569.jpg
Natural Mystic Caregivers posted this on Instagram! It is a beautiful shot of Chef C Firehouse Genetics Firestomper OG. image.jpg Props to you my friend, I can only hope I get something outta my pack this pretty :)
Did another Qwiso run.....good times.

Just washed a few grams once for 35 seconds in a zip lock bag, kinda sloshed it around.

Clipped the corner of the baggie off, squirt solution thru filter....
Evap solution...

SDA Shatter... Aromatic and flavorful.

Hope y'all are doing good!!
Sir dabs that shit looks amazing. Im gonna read some of your guides i picked up some tane and ever clear today. I want to try making some iso shatter with half the bottle the other half i will use for winterizing a bho run
Really does look great. Are you using just 99 iso? I tried some recently with some everclear and had a hard time getting it to shatter back up. Would 99 provide a better result than the everclear? What are your thoughts on acetone? Had a friend tell me he's gonna try some of that, and I scoffed at him for that as the stuff smells atrocious to me. Would acetone work and be safe? He was trying to tell me it's organic and 100% so no unneeded moisture introduced.
Really does look great. Are you using just 99 iso? I tried some recently with some everclear and had a hard time getting it to shatter back up. Would 99 provide a better result than the everclear? What are your thoughts on acetone? Had a friend tell me he's gonna try some of that, and I scoffed at him for that as the stuff smells atrocious to me. Would acetone work and be safe? He was trying to tell me it's organic and 100% so no unneeded moisture introduced.

Acetone is organic.... so is Arsenic but that doesn't mean it's good for ya :-) it is supposed to be a decent solvent and won't hurt you in small concentrations... also, I thought it was odorless but I know it's used in nail polish remover and that stuff will burn the hairs out of your nose

shatter looks killer SDA
Really does look great. Are you using just 99 iso? I tried some recently with some everclear and had a hard time getting it to shatter back up. Would 99 provide a better result than the everclear? What are your thoughts on acetone? Had a friend tell me he's gonna try some of that, and I scoffed at him for that as the stuff smells atrocious to me. Would acetone work and be safe? He was trying to tell me it's organic and 100% so no unneeded moisture introduced.
hey my friend! Thanks for the props bro..

I only use really really cold 99%

The problem with Ever Clear is the remaining water content> 5%..

Extra water needs the assistance of brief heat to evaporate water, as alcohol boiling point is obviously lower than water, so, when alcohol is evap'd...purge of water us necessary.

However, this step allows the concentrate to reach it's melting point, crating brittle shatter.

Acetone?? I've heard ” pure Acetone works well...not something I would do...

Acetone and Isopropanol have very close genetics..
If I were you bro...start studying, hexane.
@Dispo and HS ..

If either one of y'all need any tips or assistance, let me know, I've been brushing up on other solvents, rather than just tane.

Dispo Try and put it in the vac chamber after purging off solvent,(you probably already did) But lowering atmospheric pressure in the chamber reduces boiling points dramatically, especially water.

Should turn shatter or a nice crunchy pull and might only be able to obtain a hard sap though (strain dependent)

Hotsause Hells yeah brother, thank you for the kind words my friend, coming from the likes of dispo and yourself, compliments could go to a guy's head...hehe

I was doing a head to head comparison on shatter that I made pictured 1 pg back vs.Shatter from tane, that a very talented friend made.

BHO was more potent and a bit more flavorful.

Qwiso was just a notch below potency, Terp profile was on point from the material it was extracted from, and just really smooooth..

I love em both... I think I'll have a bit of both moving forward, both are great things.

Go for both.

Fuck!! It's Fucking Cold!!
I'm thinking about calling in to work....

I need opinions....

Work or no work today?

I'll let Colorado stoners decide..hehe.
Another shot of the same oil....

Amber is such a pretty color, and though dark, the oil itself is NOT in thin film in this shot.

When made into a thin film it is completely transparent.

Stay tuned guys...

I plan on some serious experiments with qwiso... Looking into Hexane also..

I'm loving this solvent, longer carbon chain is making for very interesting effects.
I might drop a tutorial on my tek, which I'm still tweaking to include several different aspects of the extraction process...

I want to lay out an easy means of producing quality hash oil using only super cold Iso. For those that are uneasy with the whole” butane controversy”, or even leary of trying hash oil at all because of the ” mystery” involved with any solvent based concentrate.

As I have stated repeatedly on just how effective hash oil is as a true” medicine”, I want people that are suffering with pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, nausea, inflammation, the list could go on and on, to experience the miraculous healing powers of the essential oil of lady Cannabis.

^ The above symptoms can all be treated with more efficiency than any prescription pharmaceutical poison that is passed out like candy by un-scrupulous physicians, looking to fatten their income off your illness.

I want to further delve into longer extraction times for oral and topical oils also...

Once I get this dialed into my standards.... I'm looking to change the face of hash oil..

Scream it from the mountain tops...All natural medication that heals all without nasty side effects.

Sir_dabs wants to change modern medicine into historic medicine.....
Meaning, this shit has been used for hundreds of thousands of years as a medicine and as a means of spiritual healing...

Am I being overzealous?... maybe..

But I'm reaching for the sun, reaching for change and enlightenment....
I call it passion.

Stay warm Colorado, stay off the roads if possible..
wheres a the pictures ? they wont load. there they are. number 5 is my new ones 4 weeks in.


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