Thanks puffdatchronic. I'll have a looksee.
I see one of the strains I've used. Critical Mass.
Thanks puffdatchronic. I'll have a looksee.
Well, It's been 2 wks, that I started ingesting my Meds. Unfortunately it hasn't moved my PSA down. Pretty much zero effect. It sure gives your do,do a skunky aromaJust to retrace my steps. I grew Cheese & Lemon skunk. Of those two, I made oil out of the lemon skunk. That strain was the most effective. When I ran out, my PSA, was down to 6 from 10.5. I've never gotten the same results. So now I'm using the Cheese again and it's not doing anything spectacular. So what have I done differently this time, that I did the first time? I try to be as accurate with my procedure as I can. Then it hit me! I haven't been as accurate as I should have been!
Where you decarboxylating the buds first or just ingesting them raw/uncooked? Was there a different effect felt as far is the intensity/duration of the high between ingesting buds vs oil?
TO make a long story short, my father was diagnosed with an enlarged, firm prostate. He was getting up 3-4 time a night to pee. At 63, he had never tried cannabis before. I made him RIck's oil using bubba kush and ak47. After 30 days on the Oil, he stopped getting up to pee. 60 days later he saw the same doctor who diagnosed him before. SHe examined and was stunned that she could not feel the prostate anymore. Psa normal. He also lost weight and says he never felt better. The oil WORKS! Keep it up, you really are curing yourself. Best of luck brother.
Are you using a Sativa or Indica strain?
The reason I ask is because I know of a supplier who gave a 60 gram treatment of sativa oil to a man with PC who failed to respond. He then took a 60 gram Indica oil and was cured.
This particular supplier only supplies an Indica oil now for this reason.
The only logical hypothesis was the indica oil contained more cannabidiol (CBD)
I can't remember exactly where I seen the literature - but using the oil in suppository form makes it much much more bio-available for the body.
Also - consume the oil with a fat (again this is very important to make it bio-available) as the cannabinoids are fat soluble. So 85% cocoa chocolate or organic extra virgin coconut oil will do.
Please continue to update! My husband has prostate cancer. He had his prostate removed in October of '10, and now his PSA is rising again. I have just harvested my first indica plant and we are going to do the extraction with butane as soon as the plant is dry enough. I have others growing that are not quite ready, but I will be using them to make oil also. He is scheduled to start radiation treatment in a couple of weeks and I am hoping that the oil can drop his PSA before then. When it was tested last month it was .2 which means the cancer is returning since he has no prostate. He is going to be tested again next Monday. He also has a lesion on his spine which may or may not be cancer. I will be sure to let you know if we get results.