dunno wher this belong ?
and dunno exatly how to explain it ..
I try to make it short .. might just be "my" problem ?
other morning I got up and log in .. got a like (Lime`s Thread .. show me all your pics)
got in ther and ther was a new post with some nice pics (cant remember witch one) as I click on the fist pics my PC got highjackd !!!
might just be my poor virus/spy wher ?
but the sec I click I got a "new" front .. that was lockd ..
and toald me I had just downloaded some sexual contens of minors and/or pirates download or sumthing stupid ..
was`t even a good translation in my langues .. lots of miss spelling and bad gramma and even a few english words here and ther !
toald me to pay 100 with in 5 days or face jail !!! toald me to pay via paypall .. lol
also toald me my PC would be unlockd with in 3 days after payment ..
it was one of them programs that attatch it self to your start up menu .. so it dont help to reboot .. had to reboot and quickly get in to my controle panel/job list and shut down all the programs that was trying to start up (so did`t see a name or anything .. stupid long wierd names anyway)
to gain controle over my PC agin .. so I could make a restoreing to a old date ..
damn thing cost me 2 hrs ! and a stress morning without RIU

and its fist to day (3 days later I dare to visit .. and I dont dare to click pics .. so you better post them in some nice big formats

so be carefull .. and if a MOD or anybody in controle see this it might be sumthing to look in to ? dunno .. cant realy give you more to go with as I dont recall the exat post/pic or the stupid program name and I dont like to try and get it agin as I guess is understandble ..
I use Vista and firefox with AVG if that make a diffrent ?