posting up a stretching plant


Active Member
before i got my new light setup i had this plant sprout 7 days ago so it kind stretched and now will not stand up due t the weight of the 4 leaves it has, is it ok to wrap it around like a metal post so it stands up to the light?


Active Member
it should not stretch anymore i have the light 2 inches from it, i just don't want to lose it till i know the sex of it


it should not stretch anymore i have the light 2 inches from it, i just don't want to lose it till i know the sex of it
what i like to do with seedlings is not fill the pot all the way to the top with soil i leave about 1" so when the seed sprouts and gets to tall to support itsrlf i can add more soil around the stem that usually does the trick rarely do i ever have to use a stick to hold them up after an old trick i learned from my moms lol


Well-Known Member
i just had same problem 3 days ago.5 plants all around a week old and almost 5" high. spindly stalks bout as thick as a toothpick. lots of people told me to bury the stalk deeper even if u bury it up to an inch from ur bottom leaves, i did so as well as moving my lights(2 x 55watt cfl) around 2/3" away and my probs were solved. ive changed from 24hr to 18/6 as well. i think it slows the stretching down and lets the plant spread a liitle. if ur gaunna support ur stalk dont use metal. use the outside of a ballpoint pen its plastic and wont leech shit into ur soil, or a thick toothpick. the ones u get a macdonalds on the corncobs are good and thick.


Well-Known Member
just prop it up with a litle pice of wire they use to tie new cables round a lill wooden stick or repot it you can bury the plant to just under the two teardrop shaped leaves anything you burry below the teardrop leaves will sprout roots


Well-Known Member
no bothers just make sure if you do replant it not to go about the lill leaves otherwize you mite get stem rot and die aslong as it is under the two teardrop leaves it will be A-OK ^.^ good luck matey also any picture would be great, always go along way to getting hits on your problems makes it easier to work things out


Active Member
I put dirt up to about not even a half of an inch close to the two tear drops, really hope it works don't want to lose it i will take somee pics tonight


Well-Known Member
legendary ahh my head hurts i just realized im talkin in one of your other threads too lol the "my bud" one ha dont wory bout it though it will work ive done it quite a few times myself . What strain is it or is it just a bag seed?


Active Member
well here is what i did to the plant hope it works and i know i have to get more soil but i have to make a run to the store to get some


Well-Known Member
looking ace you mixing anything in the soil btw just if you overwater it the soil can become compact and suffocate the roots you want to add a good few handfulls of pearlite or vermiculite of a lill of both, this will help to get air to the roots and help retain moisture


Active Member
im just using poting soil with the pearlite in it, the soil is not compact thank god, i water every 4-5 days depending on the weight test and if the soil is dry


Active Member
well it is a sad day the plant that i have been posting about has sucks ass, but the other one that started with that one looks very promising is already on its third set of leaves other then the tear drops


Well-Known Member
AWW NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol sucks but atleast you still have more

you not gona keep one for a mother plant and learn yourself to clone ? then you wont need to wait weeks for the seeds to crack and sprout

cloning is the easiest thing in the world just cut the stem at a 45 angle dip it in clonex and bang it in some wet soil under a propogator or in a box with some cling film over the top a lill water in the bottom and a quick spray of phd water on the leaves and wait a week or two and voula clonage!!


Active Member
will have to try that, the one that sprouted the ssame time as that is doing really good i think that is going to be my mother as soon as i find out if it deff a feamle i think it is but it is too early to tell you know


Well-Known Member
good luck on getting yourself a lill mother plant need any help or info give me a shout XD every one is here to help well most folk


Active Member
good luck on getting yourself a lill mother plant need any help or info give me a shout XD every one is here to help well most folk
yeah i will thanks and i know i had a guy out there basically calle dme stupid for asking to many questions and said ishoul dnot have started my plant because i don't know enough and i don't know how to ask questions right