pot and pregnancy

great discussion....

Jumping out of airplanes is probably great for your system.. hightened awareness, endorphin rush, new experience stimpulates the mind... etc...

still dangerous as FOOK.. even if nobody has ever died from jumping out of a plane, it is still dangerous...

maybe dangerous is not the correct word...

maybe what I am trying to say, is that it is an UNECCESSARY RISK

yes. that is my new answer :)

I like that. Unnecessary risk. You mind if I use that?
Opium grows buds too ya toolbox. LOL. Look, I am not trying to start an argument here. I have not been on yalls site long enough to be contradicting anything anyone says. I was just simply trying to make a point.

no opium does not grow buds....ya toolbox...LOL...poppy grows buds and the opium is inside......Cannabis grows buds and the buds are what you want...not so with poppy..you want the sap....from the bud....see it's defferent....opium is a drug...cannabis is a plant....and a thing you smoke...Poppy is a plant too, but the buds will do nothing if you dry them and smoke them..I've tried..you have to properly extract the sap..there is even a special tool for slicing the pod..to remove the sap.....
This is what to expect on on topic like this in an open forum. Everyone has their own opinion right or wrong, it is their opinion. Sometimes people should keep their opinions to themselves though. :peace:
Thank you. I too am a biology student and to sit and watch people try to justify this is just fucking mind-boggling.

The world is not simply your "science". there are other "sciences" much more ancient, and just as accurate. ask any native culture. maybe you should read about 'em sometime.

(I personally haven't researched it so much that i can give greatly detailed accounts of specific things, only enough to realize that there's more than what they teach you in school. I plan to go learn it when i can, and from a first hand source, not this reading it in a book crap.)
Opium grows buds too ya toolbox. LOL. Look, I am not trying to start an argument here. I have not been on yalls site long enough to be contradicting anything anyone says. I was just simply trying to make a point.

fuck that endo you say whatever you please, this site is not communist (unless you go to the politics forum:mrgreen: j/k) i given you some reps

we need you guys to come out and post, much love here
This is what to expect on on topic like this in an open forum. Everyone has their own opinion right or wrong, it is their opinion. Sometimes people should keep their opinions to themselves though. :peace:

opinions are like arseholes everyone has one that stinks every now and then:mrgreen:

you know i was going to post it just like that but now that i think of it butts pretty much stink no matter what right?
Thx for the rep. And you probably wont ever see me in the politics forum. Those discussions never seem to go well in any forum.
this thread got otta control!! the last i checked doesnt drugs you have to do shit to it chemically like add baking soda, water stir it up idk i'm just sayin!! isnt marijuana a plant that if you happen to set on fire their are some effects!!LOL

I've heard people overdosing on DRUGS have you heard anyone OVERDOSING ON WEED???? can anyone answer that PLZ.. idk maybe i'm stupid!!LOL
i know smoking herb is not bad. but how come after years of smoking it i cough up brown colored resin tasting phlegm. imagine what the inside of your lungs look like after smoking herb for a few decades. i know that your lungs can expel some of the tar and resin. but look how clogged and nasty your bowl is after heavily smoking for a few weeks.
i know smoking herb is not bad. but how come after years of smoking it i cough up brown colored resin tasting phlegm. imagine what the inside of your lungs look like after smoking herb for a few decades. i know that your lungs can expel some of the tar and resin. but look how clogged and nasty your bowl is after heavily smoking for a few weeks.

that's just it....you are coughing up nasty crap that would have stayed in your lungs...but the THC is a dilator and won't allow it and also cleans out other toxins as well when you cough up the sputum....most smoke like from ciggaretes do the opposite...the constrict the alveoli and cause toxins and tar to be locked in, this is why cannabis smokers cough so much while smoking and cough up more nasty stuff than people who only smoke cigs...it's because cannabis is an expectorant........it cleans the lungs....:mrgreen::peace:
so i guess if it's poisoning the baby it's poisoning me. explains the tumor on my neck.

Poison, as if eh?
If it is poisoning the baby, what the hell are all the other harsh chemicals a pregnant women can be exposed too?
They shouldn't drive, cook, clean etc.
They should all live in a bubble when pregnant I guess! Damn so many years and we didn't know this, lol.
POT IS A PLANT.....I GUESS PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD NOT EAT GREEN BEANS EITHER????........I can not believe that pot got grouped with meth and crack...

step out of the weed madness days...don't be ignorant...don't fuel the lies...Cannabis is harmless......Stop treating it like a drug

Doctors prescribe horrible pharmaceuticals to pregos every day, and epiderals right at the childs birth, the kids come out drugged as fuck. but it's pharma from a doctor so that's safe....WAKE UP!!.......my wife didn't take any fucking drugs not even a fucking asprin and when she gave birth to both our kids no drugs of any kind, no epi...just natural....but she smoked a shit load of weed the whole time....that's what we wnated...I would rather that than except the poisons the doctors try to feed us...both kids are healthy since the day they were born and are honor roll students......

Epiderals do not drug the child that is why it is injected into your spine instead of simply being used in an IV.

Other than that I agree with everything your saying.

Oh and by the way Marijuana is NOT a drug its an herb. Placing Marijuana right next to crack, meth, coke, acid, etc. is just plain crazy and ridiculious. You are making things worse for those of us that truly understand and love the herb we grow!

Ignore your ill informed and brainwashed conscience, it is not correct!

P.S. I am completely fucking blazed I found out I dont have work today and im toking on one of my bagseed plants I kept secret from everyone including you guys. Ill get some pictures of the harvest though and make a seperate post its pretty. :peace::mrgreen:
Epiderals do not drug the child that is why it is injected into your spine instead of simply being used in an IV.

Other than that I agree with everything your saying.

Oh and by the way Marijuana is NOT a drug its an herb. Placing Marijuana right next to crack, meth, coke, acid, etc. is just plain crazy and ridiculious. You are making things worse for those of us that truly understand and love the herb we grow!

Ignore your ill informed and brainwashed conscience, it is not correct!

P.S. I am completely fucking blazed I found out I dont have work today and im toking on one of my bagseed plants I kept secret from everyone including you guys. Ill get some pictures of the harvest though and make a seperate post its pretty. :peace::mrgreen:

I agee, pot is a plant, not to be lumped in the those harsh drugs.