POT (as fertilizer)


Active Member
Can you use any part of leftover pot plant material (including ash) as a fertilizer of any sort? Thanks for any help :D


Well-Known Member
I use the trim and leftovers after harvest, that of course being what I didnt use for making hash of course, as part of my compost mix. It beats the shit out of throwing them in the trash or chancing someone snoopin


Well-Known Member
Compost it, any plant material is great compost. Just avoid meats(attracts maggots, disease, etc, just a really bad idea). Egg shells are fine. Banana peels, apple cores, stems, big fan leaves.

I sometimes eat the leaves(especially males), good source of fiber, and I've grown to quite enjoy the taste. Cooked or raw, MJ makes for good eats.


Well-Known Member
Compost 'em. use the compost to feed next years outdoor crop.

I'd be worried that the ASHES would change the PH to much. If i remember correctly ash is quit acidic. Anyone care to elaborate?????


Well-Known Member
really??? How do you prepare them cooked is it like youd cook spinach or....
Put a couple tablespoons of olive oil in a pan, saute them for around 5 minutes(usually added after the other vegetables, which I saute for about 10 minutes, so add them half way). I usually include them with some broccoli, bell peppers, onion, garlic, etc(asparagus, carrot, cauliflower, etc.). Delicious stir fry. The marijuana adds a distinct flavor, which I quite enjoy.

You won't get high, but it's yummy.