Yeah that is exactly right, and it amazes me why governments can't see that. Allowing certain amounts of growing and possession would absolutely kill the criminal market. Who is gonna pay $200 or $300 an oz for someone they can grab from there backyard for free.I don't agree with trafficking. Growing a bit and smoking a bit is fine by me. I wouldn't be on the forum if I didn't feel that way. What separates trafficking from simple growing and smoking is the nature of the business. All the more reason to legalize it. Simply put, take the weed money out of the pockets of genuine criminals and put it towards companies who can produce the nicest strains and let it be in the open. Would you not agree?
I still think weed needs to be treated like any drug though, no DUI, no public use (as in you can't just bust out a joint in the middle of the city), and possession and growing amounts need to be kept down to realistic personal use amounts (sorry to you oz a week smokers).
Anyway, Canada seems pretty cool, I should be heading there next April, might track down one of these cafes.