Pot People are Friendly


Active Member
This forum, full of "Cannabis" types, is full of helpful friendly people. Even the people that don't partake, and just grow. Something about this wonderful plant puts people in a good mood. Shame on any "Nazi Type" government that bans such a wonderful thing. I bet a forum of alcoholics would be much different. Thanks to all that have helped me with my grow.


Active Member
I wish all members would have the same attitude, and realize this site is more than just a utility, but also a social outlet for like minded (not on all counts, but with MJ) people to get together to share in the same experiences( does that make sense cause I'm high). Plus rep op for just being chill.


Active Member
u deserve a thanks for helping me too :)
I wish all members would have the same attitude, and realize this site is more than just a utility, but also a social outlet for like minded (not on all counts, but with MJ) people to get together to share in the same experiences( does that make sense cause I'm high). Plus rep op for just being chill.
I appreciate it bro, glad to see I ain't alone. You got your assholes here but for the most part RIU has cool people that share an interest in the greatest hobby ever !!!


Sector 5 Moderator
+ rep from me too Jim; We're trying our best to make the site even better. It's because of people like you and Grumpy that it's a good site.