Pot plant emergency! Plz help!


Active Member
I started flowering last thursday. I have 2 plants growing in a closet, one is top 44, the other is Afghan Mazar. The afghan is 2 weeks younger so it is still under veg lights. Right next to it is the top 44 under flowering lights. I am lighting the top 44 under 12/12 by removing it 6 hours short of 18/6 veg turn off time for the afghan and placing the top 44 in another dark space.
The leaves/ branches of the top 44 appeared very droopy at the start of flowering but upon watering have perked up. Every day the leaves have appeared droopy and after watering have perked up. I have been watering it more in flowering than in veg because the droopiness appears to respond to water well.
However, a few minutes ago i returned from class to find my prize plant, top 44, fully sagging. The leaves are as droopy as ever and now the very top of the plant is completely leaning over. I responded by watering it again.

I am very scared for my baby, i just found out shes a girl too!. Please help me save her!
I hope its not over watering...
Sorry for the long post, want to get all the details out!


Well-Known Member
If you've been watering it everyday, it sounds like it's being over watered...just a guess though, pics would help out a lot!


Active Member
Geez, after watering again it picked up and is no longer drooping... its strange because youd think watering every day would lead to over watering...
here are some pics tho... no longer droopy so i dont know how much good they are doing
the big one is the top 44.



Well-Known Member
don't water every day. It will rot your roots water it real slow and good then wait a few days.

Da Chef

those plants look good, man. i dont really see any serious droop. maybe you fertilized too much and they are starting to get nute burn. but i cant see anything in the plants to point toward that. if the plant responds well to a lot of water and the leaves arnt turning yellow than its probably just a thirsty plant. check the soil. if the soil is dry than you need to water. stick your pinky an inch in the soil and if it is completely dry you need to water real bad. looks good!


Active Member
O.K. so i wont water it tomorrow, even if it is extremely droopy? (and it will be)
this morning before watering it looked as though it were on its death bed.


Active Member
those plants do look healthy
i agree with the pinky test but i would try and probe
with my grow so far i only water every 3rd to 4th day.
as near as i can tell you do want your medium to dry to some extent
between waterings. do you think maybe they maybe just laying
down just a little because of the dark cycle and is normal. just a thought


Well-Known Member
I can tell you from also growing Top44 (that nug in my avatar is my Top44 baby @ 28 days flowering) that Top44 is fuckin' THIRSTY! Mine drinks twice more than my other plants. Also, one I had that went male was planted 12/12 from seed with a Citral and a bagseed. They all sprouted the same day and, at something like a week old, I had to go on a vacation, so I watered the living hell out of them and prayed. I came back to find the Citral and bagseed nearly drowned to death with soil still wet and the Top44 was bone dry, 3 times the size of the other 2 and RAGING in full flower, but male.. or hermi, really.. balls and hairs.

Moral of the story, your baby looks good. Top44 is a very thirsty strain, but be very careful of over-nute because of that. And really.. let the soil tell you when it's time to water. If it's sopping, don't water it. If you stick your finger in an inch and it's still wet, don't water it. If the soil's very dark and the pot is heavy, don't water it. if the pot feels light, if the soil an inch down is dry.. water it! :) Don't water by the leaves. Water by the soil.


Active Member
great thanks for the advice guys, the top 44 looks healthy there because it was after i watered it and it perked right back up... some of the leaves at the bottom are getting yellow though so i think i will refrain from nutes for a few days...


Well-Known Member
Are there any roots coming out the bottom drain holes? is it possibly root bound? that would ecplain why you have to eater it every day. You can try and go to a larget pot size.


Well-Known Member
I started spraying with a pump up sprayer and use at least twice the water. and if I go very slow the run off takes an hour or so to start and the run off is light. I liked it so much in the doc's 101 class spraying in cups that I got a bigger sprayer for the bigger pots. I water every 3-4 days in flower and 3-5 in veg. If the water goes into the soil slower it takes longer to get threw to the bottom.


Active Member
huh.. good to know, nah no roots coming out of the bottom
tomorrow is the test i guess... if its extremely droopy in the morning im gonna water it without nurtients this time, im worried the roots have died from nutrient burn and now the plant isnt getting enough water even when the soil is still wet... that would explain why it needs such frequent watering.
ill post back tomorrow when i check it out.