Pot plantation busted...

so they come here, earn money tax free, then go back to mexico and reinvest it?

illegal mexicans are fucking up this country.

you think that's bad. you should see how NAFTA devastated mexican farmers who can't compete with our highly-subsidized farmers.
same question: did you conduct a survey?

as a matter of fact i did
i asked this ? to a bunch of them that i used to work around
and they said no they want to stay here 10 years send all money back to mexico to build a house then retire
same question: did you conduct a survey?
plenty of people here already. i see no need to bring in "outside labor".

dude down the street has a NICER house then me. can i simply jump his fence and move in? i'm just trying to "better myself".
yeah well you aren't an executive for Tyson either. they bus 'em up straight from mexico across the border and into the food processing plants where they work in horrible conditions and are allowed to live in trailer parks and every week or so they will pick a couple out of the heard and have them deported so that they look like they are trying to combat the situation. we are exploiting them, they are not exploiting us.
yeah well you aren't an executive for Tyson either. they bus 'em up straight from mexico across the border and into the food processing plants where they work in horrible conditions and are allowed to live in trailer parks and every week or so they will pick a couple out of the heard and have them deported so that they look like they are trying to combat the situation. we are exploiting them, they are not exploiting us.

i think that is why he said greed runs world
it is not little guy that buses them here it is greedy rich people that dont want to hire us legally

and i never seen them forcing them to get on bus
if i agree to shovel shit should i complain that it is a shitty job
Looks like a bunch of methed up mexican cartel guys to me. I have known a lot of these dudes, they're no good and once you get to know their style you can pick 'em out easy...and yes 99.99998% chance they're illegal.
i think that is why he said greed runs world
it is not little guy that buses them here it is greedy rich people that dont want to hire us legally

and i never seen them forcing them to get on bus
if i agree to shovel shit should i complain that it is a shitty job
they may not be forced but they are lied to, takin advantage of and abused. they come here with nothing, so when they get here and don't like it they can't just be like "i wanna go home" they are pretty much hostages. they can keep there mouth shut and go back in and work like a slave and get a very small wage or they can speak up and be turned over to immigration to be imprisoned. Food Inc. the movie does a cool little section on this in the film, if anyone hasn't seen it i highly highly highly recommend watching it.
as a matter of fact i did
i asked this ? to a bunch of them that i used to work around
and they said no they want to stay here 10 years send all money back to mexico to build a house then retire
Very true same here with all of the guys i worked with.....but at the same time these guys have never even considered staying here in the first place because they do not think it is possible to do legally. why would they want to invest in a home here to retire in just to get caught and deported? and besides mexico is beutiful, i may just retire there myself. my buddies parents just retired at 55 just south of puerto vallarta. they are living like a king and queen off a teacher's retirement and an iron worker's pension.
Other than el salvador i served in the us military with at least one native person from every country listed here-- like i said earlier many foreigners have earned more of a right to live here than many native born citizens.
If you served in the military with them then they weren't illegal.
yeah well you aren't an executive for Tyson either. they bus 'em up straight from mexico across the border and into the food processing plants where they work in horrible conditions and are allowed to live in trailer parks and every week or so they will pick a couple out of the heard and have them deported so that they look like they are trying to combat the situation. we are exploiting them, they are not exploiting us.

um, they don't have to get on the bus.

they aren't "slaves". they make their own choices.
they may not be forced but they are lied to, takin advantage of and abused. they come here with nothing, so when they get here and don't like it they can't just be like "i wanna go home" they are pretty much hostages. they can keep there mouth shut and go back in and work like a slave and get a very small wage or they can speak up and be turned over to immigration to be imprisoned. Food Inc. the movie does a cool little section on this in the film, if anyone hasn't seen it i highly highly highly recommend watching it.

"imprisoned"? :shock:

They do that? Seems like a security issue.
Yeah and more than you would ever imagine too. just in my shop of about 20 people we had foreign born people from mexico, guetemala, etheopia, japan, south korea, and canada.

I think it would do the country good if more people new this too. i would have never known unless i had seen it for myself. i think if more people were aware of this it might skew their opinions at least slightly about immigration. Know who protects your country? The poor and the foreign ( and a bunch of silver spoon commissioned officers)
Not only did they trash the land and divert water from area's of need for plants and animals
but they layed out poison pellets that killed off deers and bears in the area
and god only knows what other innocent hungry animals perished. I'm telling you
now, these guys and others like them will burn.