pot size and transferring

I imagine it being alot easier to start a plant in a 5 gallon pot and transfer said pot to the flowering room after a few weeks and never having to transfer and risk breaking a rootball or just the general stress associated with transferring to another pot.

Can someone who disagrees give me a good explanation why you need to start in a small pot and form a root ball and then transfer to a bigger pot? I dont understand why a plant starting out in a big pot can't just expand it's roots in a 5 gallon pot until harvest. whats the difference?


Well-Known Member
IMO , my cuttings that are rooted straight into 11l pots are alot slower to grow than those i plant first into 4l pots. again imo the 11l cuttings need another 2weeks veg time , (with the smaller pots/clones i go 4l - 8l - 11l pots) Peace.
ps , i have damaged roots before on transplant and to be honest this also made no difference at all, hardy lill fooka's they are .....


Well-Known Member
You want your roots to grow in a tight ball so they grow tightly, making the most of the soil & nutrients in the area provided. Now if u start out in a 5 gal, the roots will shoot as far as they can grow out, taking up the most space, thus providing limited growth for the future.

Even if you break roots while transferring think about it, even half tightly compacted va-jay-jay is better than any loose one ;) Easy comparison right there, ur pecker fits well in a dixie cup, but not in a 5gal pot or a stripper. Why? There is nothing good in the stripper for your pecker it doesnt want to go in there until it HAS to. Then think about it, (You can move all around feeling all over, but never getting that tight fit that feels so right!) it requires a lot more work after being in the stripper, so you gotta add nutes and such. Just like you would need your bore punched lol.


Active Member
I've heard mixed reasons ranging from the need to use alot of extra nutes to fill such a big pot, to also issues of burn from using too much nutes for sure a small plant, and also lack of air getting to roots because they are surrounded by so much dirt to root ratio. I however go from 1 inch cube, to 1 gallon pot to 15 gallon pot with no issues :/.


Well-Known Member
When i first started growing i would start to finish plants in 5 gallon pots but now i like smaller containers. One of the big advantages i find is i water a lot more in a smaller container and that gives me better control over nutrients.


Well-Known Member
when growing auto flowering plants most will recomend going straight from germ to there large final containers 3-5 gal being the norm, this is because any shock while pot changing will cause the plant to sulk, resulting in it not reaching its full potential....

i have run out of space for large pots in my grow box and have 3 seedling needing potting ... i have had to put them in smaller pots for a week or two just to fit them in.... i'm being as careful as i possibly can


Well-Known Member
I start in cups for watering reasons. For me at least it makes watering easy. As the plant grows it develops a nice root ball. when the cup is full of roots I move to the next pot about a half gallon size. Do the same thing. I can't quote any facts. But the plants seem to have nice growth spurts when the root ball is full and get more soil to grow in. I use party cups, 1/2 gal pot, 3 gal pot. Then outside.