Pot size or Planter size apparently matters

The V Ape

Hello all,

Just went through my first real pain with my new plants, which is also my first grow of AK47 Feminized seeds. Thought I would put some details out there so hopefully others learn from my mistake.

1) Don't use clear plastic cups. The roots apparently hate it.
2) Don't use small clear plastic cups. I had no idea how root crazy these weeds are until my plants were wilting away because they had no space for their roots.

I won't double post my pics, but check out how bad the plants looked (and how many roots were there on my smaller plants) here: https://www.rollitup.org/blogs/blog18568-stretching-curling-needed-larger-pots.html

And the best, is what 2 days in a bigger pot did: https://www.rollitup.org/blogs/blog18571-stretching-curling-fixed-pots.html

Lesson learned for next time - use bigger dark pots.

Now the question is when should i put them into my 3gallon pails ie. the final resting place for the ladies? Or should I have really learned my lesson and just planted them right away in to the pails?

The V Ape

Hey Desr,

Is that to the largest pot? I was going small (cup) -> medium (1/2gallon maybe) -> larger (3gallon). Should i have just gone small->large?



Well-Known Member
i go from a tiny container..about the size of a solo cup into its final resting place (3gal)

The V Ape

Looks like the consensus is to skip the medium sized pots. I was just figuring it would be easier to manage water intake and such until they are big enough to be in the largest pot/pail. I guess as long as they don't get stressed by the 3 moves, it should be ok. Time will tell at this point.

Thanks for the responses!
i go from a small peat pot then plant that in a 8 inch one gallon so theres no transplant stress then at 3 weeks i cut the botton out of the 1 gallon then plant that in a two gallon that is 2\3 rds full of soil and then top up around the lower rim and water both pots it works great and avoids transplant stunting... i think i am a genius lol


Active Member
i go from a small peat pot then plant that in a 8 inch one gallon so theres no transplant stress then at 3 weeks i cut the botton out of the 1 gallon then plant that in a two gallon that is 2\3 rds full of soil and then top up around the lower rim and water both pots it works great and avoids transplant stunting... i think i am a genius lol
I love it. That is genius. A lot of thought went into that. I think I might try that when my plants need more room. I'm a noob on here. How do I +rep ya?


Well-Known Member
i go from a small peat pot then plant that in a 8 inch one gallon so theres no transplant stress then at 3 weeks i cut the botton out of the 1 gallon then plant that in a two gallon that is 2\3 rds full of soil and then top up around the lower rim and water both pots it works great and avoids transplant stunting... i think i am a genius lol
its called double potting.