Pot Size Question


New Member
I currently have six feminized afghooeyxpurple erkel on ffof under a 250mh I just started flower last night and this morning there are just a few root tips from each plant poking out the side they are just 7x7x10 pots and the plants are at most 1.3 foot am I gonna be ok to finish or should I transplant and let them veg a week longer? I don't wanna screw with lighting much as I want no hermies.. Any help is appreciated. Peace and smoke


New Member
Ttmft. Could really use some help on this one guys. Opinions are like assholes I know u got one. But I actually want ur opinion lol. Relly though if I have to transplant I would like to do it asap so I don't have to changw the light schedule 3 weeks into flower so they can recover from a transplant. HELP! :) Peace and smoke


the plant will end up around 2 ft, so you will want around 2 gallons of soil if you want the most buds. roughly double what you are currently using.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like those are 3 gallon pots. I would leave them in there and veg one more week since you where willing to transplant and waut one week. Better the veg Better the Yeild.
Your pots are wide enough and deep enough. NO problem.


New Member
Idk about it being that big they are 7x7 inch square pots standing 10 inches tall. Half a big bag of ffof is all it took to fill all six I'm assuming its no more than 1 1/2 gal. Sorry if I sound dumb but I'm a first timer on soil as the new place is not hydro convinient in anyway