Pot size yield question


Active Member
People say they can get 10 oz per plant , my question is what size pot would they be using to do that , 20 litre pot , 30 litre pot , how much space would they need per plant and how long would you have them on veg for 5 weeks , 6 weeks , . has anyone here ever had a big yield from 1 plant like 10 ozs any advice would be helpfull cheers


Well-Known Member
As long as the pot is sized big enough ( 5 Gallons should be sufficient) your yield will be determined more by Light and growing conditions than pot size. IE a 20 gallon pot is not going to grow a 4 times bigger plant.

My single plant grows usually bring in around 17 ounces each. 600 Watt HPS, LST.


Well-Known Member
I know several med growers that because they are limited to 7 mature plants are using 23 gallon trash cans and growing 5 foot + plants and yielding over 1 1/2 pounds per plant. Of course they are vegging longer too. These are experienced growers with all the bells and wistles, airconditioning, CO2 injection ect.