pot size


Well-Known Member
i have them in 1 gallon right now 3weeeks into veg do you think i should trans them to 2-3 gallon, was going to bud 25 dec


Well-Known Member
Dont know if ur talkin about 3 or 300 plants.
I use 5 gals buckets with some rocks for drainage,works well.


Well-Known Member
I think he means he has three 4 foot plants, or he was saying he has one 3 to 4 foot plant.


Well-Known Member
i grow 10 to 12 plants in veg then place them to bud room. which can hold about 25 plants i grow them to about 3 to 4 feet tall


Well-Known Member
ok, I understand.
I'd personaly go with 5 gals(if growing from seed,not clones)
I used 3 gal on my last grow and I see a differents in the bigger buckets
just in the over all health and thickness of the stems.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I use 3-5 gallon pots depending on which area I am growing and whether I want less plants that are real big heavy yielders or more smaller sized plants with nuggs.Transplant as few times as possible.I try to start in the pot I will finish in if possible