Pot Size

Does anyone know if the roots grow more down, or out? I have seen a 7 Gallon smart pot and it is wider than a regular 5 Gallon bucket, but shorter. With the supposed added air with the Smart Pot (7 Gallon), and supposed minimum that everyone has posted over a 30%+ better yield than the same equivalent in plastic, would the root structure grow outward and make a plant more stable, or will it continue to grow downward?
Im curious as to if the stalks would be much stronger with much more root system to feed, and of course a larger plant in theory.
Any opinions?
I thought the smart pots were designed to do the same thing. Is the pot you mentioned have better air flow, or depth? Im just trying to figure out mainly if depth or width are more important.
Thank You for your response.
I thought the smart pots were designed to do the same thing. Is the pot you mentioned have better air flow, or depth? Im just trying to figure out mainly if depth or width are more important.
Thank You for your response.

I just like them better. when lined up against the smart pots the airpots performed better for me.
THANK YOU! I watched the video and it seems far more advanced than a grow pot. I wish someone would do a side by side of a 5 Gal Plastic, 5 Gal Smart Pot & 5 Gal Air Pot.
The air pot looks fascinating! If I may, I would like to ask one more question. Fox Farm's is pretty thick soil. Do you think since the video for the Air Pots shows and insists you pack it down until every hole is filled that the wisest thing would be to make the soil as fine as possible? I dont think FF soil is going to fit into those cracks straight out of the back without some stirring and crushing. Do you have any advice?

Thank You, again! The Air Pot truly does seem superior to a Smart Pot by design. I'd just never heard of it.
I totally disagree with the repoting, repoting, repoting aspect of this post. I only repot once from a gallon into a 2 1/2 gallon. If I grow 6 plants under a 600 watter in a 12 sq foot area that's 25 gallons of dirt, it doesn't matter if I grew in 1000 gallons of dirt it wouldn't make a difference in yield.
Does anyone know where to grab and 3 gallon pots im looking for white ones to reflect the light around ive tried ebay etc etc Im in Ontario Canada BTW.

Does anyone know where to grab and 3 gallon pots im looking for white ones to reflect the light around ive tried ebay etc etc Im in Ontario Canada BTW.


Im in same place as you, and I use 3 gallon white chapmans ice cream buckets, the key for me was cutting about 4 " off top of bucket, because of my height issues... But keep ur eyes open! You have to put drainage holes of coarse. Also small 2-3 gallon garbage cans from the dollar store work mint! I dont pay for pots...ever.:)
Good luck bro!
Why the need to continually increase the size of the growing container? Can you not just start with a large container that is big enough fornthe full cycle once in the veg phase?
Why the need to continually increase the size of the growing container? Can you not just start with a large container that is big enough fornthe full cycle once in the veg phase?

I think some people do that, but I find it much easier to manage moisture in the pot if the plant and pot are matched, moving up in pot size as the root ball begins to fill the current pot. Just my preference. If you can make the final size pot work all the way through, go for it. Remember, it's all about what works for you, not someone else who grows under different conditions and with different methods.
I think some people do that, but I find it much easier to manage moisture in the pot if the plant and pot are matched, moving up in pot size as the root ball begins to fill the current pot. Just my preference. If you can make the final size pot work all the way through, go for it. Remember, it's all about what works for you, not someone else who grows under different conditions and with different methods.

gotcha... Thanks.. Was just wondering of it was not a recommended practice.
Does anyone know where to grab and 3 gallon pots im looking for white ones to reflect the light around ive tried ebay etc etc Im in Ontario Canada BTW.

You can go to your local grocery store if they have a bakery.
I get 12lb. buckets from mine that their cake icing comes in, about 2-2 1/2 gallon, and I just drill holes in the bottom for drainage, sides for ventilation, and around the top so I can tie branches down.