Pot size?


Well-Known Member
Size yes, shape not so much... Unless you have a special need for a particular shape, but the plant doesnt care really


Well-Known Member
The final pot size effects the overall yield. Generally speaking larger final pots helps increase a yield.

Personally speaking, I start my plants in one gallon pots and then transplant them into five gallons


Well-Known Member
I have used up to 15 gallons for plants I vegged for 3 to 4 months, depending on size/strain. Mostly 5 gallons is enough for 2 months or less veg time. For 3 weeks veg time you won't even use all of 3 gallons but when growing organic if you want water only it's great to use large planters.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Pot size does greatly affect yields yes. Pot shape not so much. But if your trying to fit as many pots in a certain amount of space, then you will get more plants with square pots vs round. Of course this really only works for a large grow room. If it's a small tent then really it doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
A bigger pot size will give you more root mass. More root = more fruit

Also, pot dimensions seem to directly reflect on the root/foliage growth relationship.
I notice when i use short wide pots, i get shorter wider plants but using a narrow and long pot will give me a stretched plant.


Well-Known Member
When you get conflicting answers to a question I suggest you look at experience and time in the game.

I use pot size, shape, everything to manipulate my plants to meet my needs. If I want a single-cola plant I will use a tall skinny pot (Ihave some 3 gallon pots that are 19 inches tall). If I want my indicas to be short and bushy I use a 3 gallon pot just 8 inches high and 12 inches wide. Mother plants need larger wide pots that will induce more side-branching to use as potential clones. Just about every aspect of dirt-growing can be manipulated by timing your transplanting and choosing the proper pot for the job.

Good luck, BigSteve.