Pot-smoking young men had the most to say to Ottawa about marijuana legalization


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Men, people aged 18-34 and cannabis users were the most common respondents to recent online consultations
By Catherine Cullen, CBC News Posted: Sep 30, 2016 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Sep 30, 2016 8:25 AM ET

When it comes to crafting Canada's plans to legalize marijuana, there's one group that seems to have a lot to say: young men who use pot.

That's who responded to the government's online consultation in droves, according to the vice-chair of Canada's marijuana task force, Dr. Mark Ware.

He broke down the numbers as part of his talk at the Vancouver Lift Cannabis Expo earlier this month, noting that particularly when it comes to age, the response was "interesting because this is not typically a group that is heavily engaged politically."

The online consultations were held between June 30 and Aug. 29. Ware told his audience there had been some 28,000 responses. Previously, the task force had pegged the number of responses higher — at 30,000.

According to the information provided by Ware:

  • 80 per cent of respondents are cannabis users — either medical or non-medical.
  • 73 per cent are male.
  • 64 per cent are between 18 and 34 years of age.
  • 15 per cent are parents.
  • 11 per cent are academics.
  • 8 per cent self-identified as activists.
The online survey allowed for up to 1,500-word, essay-style answers on a variety of questions, from where pot should be sold to how medical marijuana should work in a world where pot is legal.

A company has been hired to read and classify the barrage of responses, Ware said.

That summary will be just one way the task force is gathering information for its final report to the federal government. Ware said some 500 policy papers from organizations like the Canadian Medical Association have also been submitted. A spokesperson for the task force later clarified that when accounting for duplication, there were only 350 submissions.

Task force members have been travelling the country, conducting roundtable discussions with experts and visiting medical marijuana production facilities, and travelling south to learn from officials in Colorado and Washington, where marijuana is already legal.

Pot plans
Ware, a professor in family medicine and anesthesia at McGill University who specializes in pain and cannabis, said there were several big questions that the task force continues to wrestle with as it prepares to get its final report to the federal government by the end of November.

Federal officials say the report will be considered as they craft proposed laws to deal with legalized marijuana, which are expected to come before Parliament next spring.


The Liberals are expected to unveil legislation to legalize marijuana by April 2017. (CBC)

Ware said the task force has heard a wide range of opinions, including some extreme positions on both sides of the legalization debate.

"Remember, we're undoing 100 years of prohibition and these rules, these attitudes, these stigmas have been embedded in our society for a very long time," Ware said. "Going back in and taking this apart and rebuilding something is not trivial, and I think we have to recognize it's not a simple swipe of the pen that can fix all of this."

Where to sell it?
One question that Ware was asked repeatedly was the issue of where legalized marijuana should be sold. He talked about a broad range of options, from compassion clubs to liquor stores.

"I think there's a huge amount of debate about whether cannabis should be available for sale in conjunction with alcohol. We've heard concerns about why that should be a bad idea. We've heard from people suggesting that's actually a good way, because there are already mechanisms for controlling inventory, for tracking inventory, for training staff."

Both Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne have said they like the idea of selling pot in liquor stores.


Ontario and Quebec are looking at dispensing marijuana through provincially owned liquor stores, like the LCBO. (David Donnelly/CBC)

But B.C.'s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Perry Kendall, who is also a member of the task force, told CBC News back in February that he had concerns about that model, noting the way alcohol is currently sold encourages accessibility and consumption.

Ware also said while his audience was "sophisticated" and "engaged" when it came to questions around marijuana use, it was important to acknowledge that legalizing marijuana would be a radical shift for some Canadians.

"In many parts of this country, that thinking doesn't exist. They are still very new to this idea. You're introducing the idea of bringing in a new substance to communities that don't even have stores. They don't have roads," he said.

"They have huge problems with mental health already, and addictions, and they're struggling to cope with what they have, and some of these — especially the northern communities — very, very difficult situations."

Do the task force members use pot?
One audience member was curious about how well informed task force members are about their subject matter, asking Ware how many were "cannabis virgins".

The question seemed to amuse the crowd. But Ware said task force members hadn't had that conversation, adding "you can still have a perspective on this issue whether you're a cannabis user or not."
The question seemed to amuse the crowd. But Ware said task force members hadn't had that conversation, adding "you can still have a perspective on this issue whether you're a cannabis user or not."
You can... but even with the "best" of intentions, a lack of having any experience or in depth knowledge can still lead to fucking it all up. I mean, I can certainly have a perspective on a LOT of things I know nothing about. Should I be allowed to make decisions that affect the very outcome of a federal program and potentially hundreds of thousands of people, without any intimate knowledge or experience on the matter? FUCK NO! Generally that's how a common sense approach would work..........but ya know, that'd make.....sense and we can't have that. Perfect example being Bill Blair and his Blair witch hunt against supposed fire, mould, and crime and the non existent boogie men that come with legalization.
have you ever been a daily user of pot? casual user? tried it ever? have you ever lived with someone who needed MMJ? ever had to aquire it illegally? have you ever worked in a greenhouse? ever grown organic vegetables in your backyard? ever grown indoor orchids or tropical flowers? Answer no to all these questions and you might be an expert on our panel.
i think because of their "positions in society" they believe they are an "authority" but how can they be? all their knowledge is from a book.
there's no way a guy can talk about period cramps having never experienced them. he can empathize but can never "know".
a woman can never talk about what it feels like to get an erection for the same reason so when they have never "been there" how can they possibly an "expert"
i remember years ago, i was at an alcohol abuse meeting thing-AADAC in Alberta-and the guy was telling us about alcoholism and what it does but he didn't drink. when he labelled my Mom a mild abuser of alcohol because she has a pattern in her drinking. she has 1 glass of wine once a year at her nursing get together. a guy who gets slobbering drunk a few times a year is not an abuser he said but because of that pattern, she is.....?? i quit listening to him after that comment
So that was a waste of time. Spend a couple hours writing up my piece and the people hired to read it (task force) are not going to read it? The hired folk are hiring others to read it? For fuck sakes...