Pot users under the age of 18


Active Member
Legalize it yeaaa dont critize it!!! Ive been smoking aslong as I can remeber but I have slowed down alot because I can tell my brain is functioning slow..


Well-Known Member
If a youngster abuses (large quantities all the time) constantly there has been findings that it can f-ck ya up. It's probably on the NORML web site somewhere. I know therre is something to do with brain development, etc. But there are a lot of other things that screw you up worse like huffing glue, scrips, and booze so pot is the lesser of all the other "evils' that can affect young folk.

That idiot Brown and the "skunk scare" is laughable. We were smoking skunk in 70's and 80's, it's an old stain? WTF? Absolutely not "lethal" as they want you to beleive. Maybe it was the 80's as that's too far back fer me to remember?!? Does anyone have a good timeline when Skunk surfaced? I've got oletimers!


Well-Known Member
I smoked form age 13-16....quit for 6 years (made a baby and was too broke to buy weed lol) and started smoking again when I was done breastfeeding (my youngest, not my 7 year old).....

I take prozac to keep me happy, ambien to help me sleep, and the nuva ring to keep me from making more babies....while I can eliminate all these drugs by just puffing a couple times.

well....maybe not the baby making part....my husband would have a say in that.

I'm just saying, after being a teenager who smoked pot and now an adult who does...I find it to be alot safer and easier than the prescription drugs the docs hoist on you and your insurance.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've been doing it since I was fifteen.From the time I was 16 until 18, I was doing at the very least an eighth a day.I still was able to quit cold turkey when I got pregnant.I'm crazy, but that's a genetics thing, and if anything, pot helps it.
I smoked pot for the first time at age 23. I never experimented with drugs in my youth but did become a heavy drinker. I guess I am not normal in that aspect but I was always trying to look out for my future (knowing how many doors a pot conviction would close in the white collar world).

Anyways I have a member of my family who habitually smoked pot from about age 15 to age 17. From 17 to 18 he had been caught a few times and was only doing it occasionally. Recently his court ordered counselor recommended that he be taken to a psychiatrist for some paranoia issues. At this point I think he had just passed a piss test so it had to have been at least a few weeks since he smoked (barring him using a detox kit). So the psychiatrist uncovers some symptoms that was hiding (because even though he thought these things, he knew they were crazy). She gave him heavy anti-psychotics and they almost committed him (he was about like the guy from "Beautiful Mind" but hiding it really well.

The psychiatrist told his mom that chances are good that the habitatual pot use played a major factor in this. She never came out and said "marijuana made your kid crazy", she basically said that it magnified the problem big time. While I personally am still sifting though all the propaganda coming out of the UK about how "super-skunk" turns perfectly normal people into schizophrenics, I can say that as a layperson I don't think more chemicals are good on an adolescent's developing body.

So this kid is 18 years old and looking at quite possibly a LIFETIME of medication and a battle inside his own head. So if any of you are under 18 and smoking, just think about it and do a little research, mental illness is very, very serious.