Potash deficiency?


Indoor grow.
P.H 6.2 - 6.5
Reusing some Fox Farm soil.

So this is a mountain berry that I re vegd. Had been doing great untill about a few weeks ago.There had to be alot of nuets leftover in the soil (I did flush it. But apparently not enough) cause I have not fed it since it took to the reveg...roughly 2 months ago. I would only water it and every few waterings I would put a tbs of molasses in it. I started noticing some discoloration about 2 weeks ago, thought hey, shes finally hungry. I gave it a half strength veg feed and molasses. Then I started seeing the tips get burnt. So i guess there was plenty of N left in there. But because of that i haven't fed it since then and now i got this, which I've never had this problem before, so I started looking on here for somone with the same problem but unfortunately I couldn't get a clear confirmation that lack of potash is the issue. I do have a bottle of silica so if potash is the cause then im set.



Active Member
Kind of looks like a mag deficiency, and it’s not potash it’s phosphorus but that could also be the issue. One of these 2 it seems like