Potassium deficiency?? I don't know, please help!

These clones have been vegging for 3 weeks now under a 600w hps. One is a Power Kush, the other NL #5x haze. They are in FFOF soil with 1/3 perlite, 1 tbsp each of kelp and lime. I use tap water that is uder the acceptable limit for sodium etc. It sets for at least 2 to 3 days . Im using the dye ph liquid. water is somewhere between 6 and 7 and is the same when I test the runout water. Soil ph tester says around 6.5. Ive used nothing but plain water thus far. Temps range from 70-85, most of the time around 78. Plenty of fresh air, humidity is right, fans circulating air. I think it could be potassium deficiency but there are so many pictures of different ones I'am not sure. The growth seems to have slowed a bit, there only about 1 foot tall. Were put in the 1 gallon pots about 2.5 weeks ago. Leaves are all droopy.Thought it was overwatered, I let dryout nice and leaves still droopy. I thought it was underwatered, watered good, still droopy. Some leaf edges are slightly pointing up.Im keeping this all organic so keep that in mind when offering advice to correct the problem. Thanks in advance all help is greatly appreciated.



Active Member
she wants fed clones are the same age as the mother so as soon as they have a decent root system fed them looks to me like nitrogen defientcy
she wants fed clones are the same age as the mother so as soon as they have a decent root system fed them looks to me like nitrogen defientcy
I thought FFOF had enought nutes for about 3-4 weeks? They started this at about 2.5 weeks, now 3 weeks in. I planned on starting flowering this weekend.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Looks like a nitrogen deficency and a PH issue to me! I use tap water too but I add pond water clarifier to remove the bad stuff. Letting your water sit helps to remove chlorine but not the heavy metals or the chlorimines. The best thing to do since you have been using water only for a while is to feed them a complete fertilizer 10-10-10. Something like Peters would be good. I use FF Grow Big 6-4-4 and mix it with BioBizz Bloom 1-3-2 to get a NPK of 7-7-6 which is pretty close to 10-10-10. The numbers are percentages so 7-7-7 or 12-12-12 would be the same as 10-10-10. For veg the recomended NPK is 10-10-10 and for flower its 10-30-20. Try a site called cannaversity.com they have a lot of pictures and info that will help. Good luck! You dont want to start flowering until you figure out the problem or you will have weak buds!
What would be a good organic choice to feed it some N? I have alaska fish fertilizer, both the veg formula and the flower. Will the veg one be significant? I also have worm castings. I started brewing a compost tea for flower made from compost, castings, high P bat guano, kelp, and unsulphured molasses and a bit of the alaska fish bloom formula.
Also, I have the info from my water company on water analysis in my area and all the elements present are well below the range at which they are detrimental to mj. Like I said I ph the water going in, the water going out, and the soil. I could'nt imagine it being a ph problem.


Just give it any base nutrient formula w/ nitrogen. you also need micro nutrients. FFOF doesn't have nutrients in it really. it has a few amendments but thats it. you can use their nutrients if you want. they are not very expensive and you can get them anywhere. Just be careful the first time you feed not to over do it. I like foliar feeding when they are small w/ Organicare (seaplex,calplex(calcium) and fulvex(mag), a lot of places have samples or you can get small bottles which last a long time when used for foliar only. That way when they are small you can let them root without overwatering but still provide the nutes immediately. once they start to take off and get new growth you start them on a feed schedule. Hope this helps. Flora Micro by General Hydro is also a good nitrogen source w/ Cal. and other micro nutes for a quick fix or additive to nutrients lacking in both.


Sorry, forgot to say that ph may not be your problem but chloramine might, water companys use it instead of chlorine because it doesnt disapate or evaporate. therefore lasting longer in there processing. Your roots will look fine for a long time but wont be absorbing the nutes ect. ect. At least buy water in 5 gal. jugs at the re-fill machines. its like 25 cents a gal. Trust me they wont finish worth a shit w. bad water. peace


Active Member
Looks the same as the nitrogen picture in the problems guide.. hehe.. textbook ;p

Possibly overwatering too.. if you don't know when to water, can always do as i do and just wait till the main fan leaves start to droop ;)