Potassium & Zinc Deficiency

Hi im a total newbie with growing and not the most knowledgeable about growing. I think my plant has Zinc and
Potassium related problems with the new leaves being a lot smaller , and some leaves have orange spots on them. The leaves are also very dry dry and the tips of the leaves curl down

What can I do for my plant to recover as soon as possible? I have been watering my plant without nutrients and only water for a week and it has improved a little.

Im growing under 2 85w CFL'S.
The plant is cheese and, 5 and a half weeks old and in veg state. I get nutrient mixes from my pot dealer every now and then. The airflow is fine. Ummm what else. The soil is cheap and average , but i did add a lil fertilizer and compost to the mix when i bought it , and only saw the negative effects on my plant 5 hours after accidently "overfeeding" it , which happend a week and a half ago. Therefore although my soil is not the best , i don't believe the problem lies there , but im a total newbie , first time grower so i could be wrong

Some help from the experts please. Please please i wanna flower this thing and blazzzzzze haha cheers



Well-Known Member
In the interests of international relations, I'll give you my best shot. Mind you, I'm not an expert indoor gardener, though I used to grow outside with good results. I've a good inside grow going now, after a very bad 1st start.

Zinc deficiency would be unusual(possible but unusual), potassium more likely but still not that common in a small plant. You would probably see this later, as plant gets larger. That you're seeing improvement with just water is probably VERY good. Don't expect affected leaves to completely recover, they probably won't. Keep your eye on the new growth, that's the more sure indication of what's happening.

The most likely reason was ph problem/nute lock. That can produce all kinds of deficiency like symptoms. Most common problem. Limp leaves are usually due to too much water, it's awfully tempting when you start growing to water enough, which turns into watering too much.

I'll just as what you have for soil, that is often the root of many evils.
