Potent Mix

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Well done GrimReefa mate,

those plants are looking a whole lot better.:weed:

Its a good thing to let the soil dry out before next watering, and when
watering make sure you get a small amount of run off this helps to wash the salts out, no need to flush!(unless over fed)lol:mrgreen:

I use a similar soil to you but its not peat free, I dont feed untill I go into flower as a norm I just pot up, new soil new nuets unless the plant has sat in the same pot for over 4 weeks then I give feed at 500ppm very weak and build up adding 250ppm each feed.(new tds meter)http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TDS-Conductivity-Tester-Hydroponics-Meter-0-1999-PPm-c_W0QQitemZ250423946938QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_3?hash=item250423946938&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72:1683|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50
Cana pk 13/14 at 2ml/lit 700ppm with my water.


Well-Known Member

The ladies are doing extremely good now, since last time ive got my Ph meter, and thermometer, lights on, never above 80 F , lights off 70 F, no problem there Water Ph is 6.7, 2 ml bio grow, every 3 days, with little water in between, about 10ml a day, there GREEEEN they STIIINK, and there grwoing like cant wait to get pics up there doing goood, one has like 20 heads, ill get pics tomoz


Well-Known Member
[/quote]Its a good thing to let the soil dry out before next watering, and when
watering make sure you get a small amount of run off this helps to wash the salts out, no need to flush!(unless over fed)lol:mrgreen:
2ml/lit 700ppm with my water.[/quote]

ok mate i usually let it dry out to get them roots searching, the plants have a real healthy system down belowm :D, yea will keep in mind thats what i was scared of salt build up causin my yellow leave, but its gone, one of my plants is amazing, wait till u see tha pic


Well-Known Member
yea man they seem to be alot better, havent fed them any nutes for a about a week, they seem to be doing good with th added nutes in soil, :S, there mature enough to go into flowwer but i dont think they tall enough yet and i got 7 ft of height space sooooo worth it too wait , right?


Well-Known Member

Hiay people, havent been online ina while with any updatesbecause the babies took a turn for the worse and had stopped growing, the heat wave, and broken fan = upset babies, but now they are back, i think all nutes in soil have been used up as they was yellowing alot, so ive up'ed the feed to 4ml per lire, and gave the big ones a litre each they seem to loved it all the leavs have gone form curling and dry too open wide and silky, lots of new growth shownm in just 2 days, and they look alot better, i hope to get some pics up later, waiting fopr brother, he has a nice camera :D

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Yes Id say you were right to hit them with some food just dont over do it give them a bit of time and they bounce right back.


Well-Known Member
yes mate, how you doin, the plants had a lot of yellow leave at bottom and had stopped growing for 1-2 weeks, but they are alot better now and back on track , sooon ill have a full equipped grow op, then ill put em to flower there ready


Well-Known Member
you see the pic with the 4 young one in the square and big orange pots are some stinking plants bro, i dont know why and how the stink, but them 2 have stunk out my room :S


Well-Known Member
just a quick post on how my little monster getting on

Pic 1 = 27th May
Pic 2 = 3rd June
Pic 3 = 17th June
Pic 4 = 19th June
Pic 5 = 21st July
Pic 6 = 21st July

the gaop between 19th june and 19th july was a hard time for th babies, heat waves, no fans, and stress, and snapped the big plant, not little monster



Well-Known Member
think the little ones are cheese too as the mother they came from ahd prefloer with lots of trics on, they smell badly of cheese.......i need to get hold of some of these other fruity strains man, oredring of net is dodge and the seeds expensive :(