Potential Early Deficiency?


Active Member
Well everything else in the same soil mix seems to be fine, maybe this one hole is bad for some reason.


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I'm leaving hose water in a 19 gallon bucket to de-chlorinate and ive been using that. With a fish emulsion but I'm going to water sans-emulsion from now on.


Active Member
looks like a calcium deficiency. Especially since your using tap water. There is so much calcium in that water. Try flushing using like clearex and H2O2 and back off the nutes a little bit. Also your Ph is probably way to high if its tap water. Most tap water ( depending on where you live ) can come out from 7ph to 9 ph. Possibly also causing some nute block. Go spend 25c for a gallon of water from the water store. They use reverse osmosis for that and it takes out all the bad but also if you get that you should get some Cal/Mag and ppm it to 100. Then you should be fine. Let me know how it goes or if you need more help. Check out my grow and +rep it if you like it.



Active Member
I tested the pH of my soil and I find it to be really acidic. (By the shaky little needle on the dial) But, I'm thinking it may be a lockout, no? And would a high pH in tap water or hose water do this?


Active Member
Yes is very possible... First thing you should do is flush em a little then start over with nutes.