Potential problem - "burnt" base of buds on 1 of 4 plants - HELP


New Member
First time grow. 4 plants remain as females. 1 appears stunted (not pictured), 3 are growing well.

Tallest plant (first 3 pictures) has red stems on fan leave branches and appears to have a redish "burnt" look to the budding below the actual white hairs. I'm concerned. Even the center stem/main stem of the plant has solid red vertical lines up it (but it's mainly green). What does this appear to represent? If it's a problem, can I fix it?

The 4th picture is the next tallest plant - no "burnt" or red in the buds. Just more white hairs. Stems on fan leaves are still red/purple but main center stem doesn't appear to have the same vertical purple line.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am not sure what is wrong with this tallest plant (or anything at all).

Thanks folks.


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Can you get a closer shot of the bud? Looks like something might be munching on your leaves too. Thrips, perhaps?
some plant just do that they look fine to me. i would veg them longer next time before you throw them into flower. A great flower starts with a great veg.
camera won't focus any closer. Where do you see "thrip" damage? I wasn't aware my plants were being eaten....