Pots or all Soil?


Active Member
Yo so I havent even started my first grow yet, but I got seeds and and getting ready. I am gettin lowryder 2, and some haze. Im doing this all outdoors.

I had originally planned on doing them all in holes that i dug, but then i got the idea somewhere that pots were better (sterility, better control, etc.).

I could do pots, and just dig them like halfway in the ground, or mix in soil with the ground. I read that going in the soil is better for a better yield. I want the biggest yield i can get. But, i heard that there are bugs and stuff that will mess up your plants if you do that and i dont want to risk it. Is it worth that risk or should i do it in pots, and if pots, what size?


Well-Known Member
Big roots = Big yeild.
Outdoor = bugs ,in a pot or in the ground
I would put the regs in the ground for bigger yeild an the pots stick out like a sore thumb. Put auto in a pot cause they are smaller an dont have as big a roots. Use a 2 galon pot for the auto for max yield.

Oh also how long does the haze flower? A 2 month flower would be best or it may be cold before its finished.

Good luck grower!


Active Member
so it would be best to just take out the soil there, and maybe mix in some ffof and perlite? i was thinkin to just remove the soil like, 1.5 sq ft. and to replace it with that. how does that sound?

by the way, the spot that i have is quality. it wouldnt matter for security if it was in pots.

also, the lowryders - i was thinking of doing like Big Gulp 7 eleven cups, you know, the huge ones. Would that not be big enough for the lowryders?


Well-Known Member
I read autos need about a foot wide by 2 ft tall for max yield. I grew a Red dwarf in to small a pot (5x5)an it was great weed but i could have hade twice as much, only 9 in tall lol , but you got to what you got to do in a small grow box.

But i have seen pics of good sized autos in 64 oz big gulp cups.

My holes are only 2 ft deep x 2 ft wide, but we got good soil around here. My soil recipe is in my journal link beloe its cheepo, but i only got Walmart sigh.