Pots without drainage holes


Well-Known Member
i have been speaking to a friend and he told me that he wants to get pots without drainage holes because he doesnt want the water leaking over his floor, i didnt think that pots without drainage holes would work because of root rot, has anyone ever grow in these


Well-Known Member
you just add the exact right amount of water needed, depending on your medium and size/maturity of your plant, climate, etc. that way all the moisture (or a good part of it) is utilized by the plant or evaporates. it has alot to do with experience. im sure theres a formula but i flunked algebra 3 bloody times. so if youre like me youll just have to drown a few girls to figure it out!


Well-Known Member
aw ok, thats cool because my friend told me he had just done a grow of like a hundred in pots without holes and i was thinking straight away na it wouldnt work you would drown the plant but i spose if the plant drinks the water fast enough if wont die


Active Member
Of course it can be done without drainage holes. But I cant see why you would want to have that.
Lay down a floor of plastic and elevate the edges or simply buy pots with a "under-cup" (or what its called in english:confused: )

I hope you got the point :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
if he doesnt want water leaking all over his floor he should buy some catch trays... how complex is it to put something under the pot??? come on people this isnt rocket science!!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah if i were you i would go w "holy pots" in plastic trays for now.....figure the whole over/under watering lessons out w/ minimal damage! i personally like the holeless pots for their tidyness.................

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Another option is to use a pot in pot where the lower pot only has one hole which is conected to a hose so the waste can be run to outside. Thats how I have my system set up.


Well-Known Member
10" pots with pie plates.. how hard is that... if no holes plants will pay..and you'll waste your time and $$...but if too poor/cheap to get trays.... thats your choice..