Potted Soil Grow Questions

shit man, what kind of car/truck do you have, i got allllll sorts of experience doing ABS diags
on a truck the differential speed sensor is common issue (esp f150, f250 ect), for cars its the wheel speed sensors.
ford SUVs (expedition, excursion, etc) have issues with abs control modules
the scary thing is when your car thinks it's skidding and it isn't, and the pedal depresses, chatters, and goes to the floor, as your vehicle doesn't stop nearly as fast as normal..
shit, ya don't need any coffee after that happens, and if you were high, ya aren't anymore...
nothing like a blast of adrenaline to sober you up
I fixed it.

I'm just glad I grew up driving old cars. Antilock brakes are nice and all but if you have never drove something with old style brakes its easy to panic when they slide.
Well, I decided to hold off on the transplant until the plant was a little more mature. I haven't watered in since I created this thread. The new growth appears to be a healthy green, and the existing yellowing has not gotten worse. So, it appears that over watering was my issue. I still intend to transplant, but I will just do it later so that I don't cause this little gal too much stress too early.

When should I be watering btw?

When the soil is bone dry? or when the plant starts to look thirsty?

Thanks again for every ones help.