potting mix help


hey i was just wondering what should i be looking for when choosing an indoor potting mix? like are there certain stuff that it should or shouldn't contain?


Well-Known Member
If you are talking about potting mix that you can by at homes stores... that stuff gets kind of hard, might want to add extra perlite. If you have a grow/hydro store by you I would say to get some fox farm ocean forest or fox farm happy frog soil mix. The fox farm stuff has good organic stuff in it. The home store potting mix usually has time release chemical ferts. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Fox farms ocean forest great indoors and outdoors,It can be a bit much for seedlings so start the seedlings in a smaller container with a generic soil to make sure u dont burnem.


Active Member
Fox Farms OF , i have been very happy with there soil have not used anything else ,since i have started growing ,My choice ,Happy Farming ,Cajun