pound a month????


im in canada and we cant grow any thing and as for two 600w i read on here that a good 600w with a a cooled hood can work better than a 1k some thing to do with heat and how close you can get them to the plant but hell i dont know i have always used the sun till now


New Member
im in canada and we cant grow any thing and as for two 600w i read on here that a good 600w with a a cooled hood can work better than a 1k some thing to do with heat and how close you can get them to the plant but hell i dont know i have always used the sun till now
dont take this wrong but u should do alot of reading here before u try to get a pound a month
cant expect to learn it from one thread


well thats why i started this to learn as much as possible before i put thought in to action and it only stands to reason that a cooled 1k is better than a cooled 600 all day long i was wondering if 2 hps 1k's and 2 250mh and maby a 4 bulb 4 foot floro would be enough light?


New Member
well thats why i started this to learn as much as possible before i put thought in to action and it only stands to reason that a cooled 1k is better than a cooled 600 all day long i was wondering if 2 hps 1k's and 2 250mh and maby a 4 bulb 4 foot floro would be enough light?
i would go with bigger wattage in veg a 250 aint shit


Active Member
well thats why i started this to learn as much as possible before i put thought in to action and it only stands to reason that a cooled 1k is better than a cooled 600 all day long i was wondering if 2 hps 1k's and 2 250mh and maby a 4 bulb 4 foot floro would be enough light?
I'd suggest 4 600's 3 for flower 1 for veg

grow plants to 12-16" and move under the 1800w, stagger the timing of entering the flower room by the flowering time so you can harvest every month.
I'd say if you can run a 2000 W flower room...then yes. If you really get it dialed and find the right strain then 2lbs a month.
Flower under just a 1k for 4 wks then get the other lamp going. Find a strain that finishes well at 8-9 wks. Done. Well maybe not that easy..

You need a spare bedroom that was big enough for a 6-11 room to be built inside of it. Then you can veg in some tents or whatever outside of the flower room. You'd also have to upgrade the circuit. Have a 50 amp put in. The costs start to stack like you wouldn't believe.
The gear (ballasts, hoods, inclines, oscillators, filters, co2, a/c, trays, rez, medium, nutes, and the endless array of hydrostore goodies)
That stuff will run you $2500 easy, if you do it as cheap as you possibly can. you could easily spend 8K plus on quality stuff.
Electrical work maybe 4-500... materials to build your room ain't cheap either.
So you spend 5-7 grand or so to get all the shit, now time to bust your ass for days on end. Framing and nailing and running ducting and hanging shit. It's not easy if you have a job or a life outside of growing.
Then you have to pay for that 4000+ watts of power you'll be using for at least 2 months before you see any return. Hope you aren't in a so cal Edison area, or that's another 2 grand on your bill.
So you may be pushing $10,000 before you see a dry nug. And you will have spent hundreds of hours building and getting the space dialed in, but once it's up and running and you got your routine then you're set.

Oh yeah and a year or 2 of growing experience might be helpful too...


Active Member
10k before you see a nug?!....JEEZE where the hell you shopping at?
I picked up 4 1000w switchable ballast , air cooled hood and bulbs for less than $700
electricity is at $600 a month.
ya still got nutes, soil pots, fans, filter and duct, ac ....
SO ill about 3gs deep at the end of July and I should pull 3ps this 1st run.
When Im fully running I should be pulling 4-5 p's every 4-5 weeks

Oh yeah and I'm no rookie!


oh good god closetcolas i have grown gurilla for YEARS hundreds and hundreds at a time i have a HUGE loft on top of my barn/shop already perfect for the job and have mad moms now to to cut from all i need really is some duct work and lights and a cheap ass hydro set up im sure i could have a good set up for 4k and i live way out in the sticks so fuck the smell the only thing close enough to me to smell it would be a dog and if it does caust me 10k so be it. it will beat digging carrying planting and SWEATING over 500 plants out side


New Member
10k before you see a nug?!....JEEZE where the hell you shopping at?
I picked up 4 1000w switchable ballast , air cooled hood and bulbs for less than $700
electricity is at $600 a month.
ya still got nutes, soil pots, fans, filter and duct, ac ....
SO ill about 3gs deep at the end of July and I should pull 3ps this 1st run.
When Im fully running I should be pulling 4-5 p's every 4-5 weeks

Oh yeah and I'm no rookie!
good for you :)


Active Member
nah I would say your veg needs to be about 25-30% of your flowering wattage. Not a standard, but what I would go by. flouros for clones will work no prob. gonna cost a little $$ to cool those lights as well, whether its air cooled hoods and or A/C.


Well-Known Member
I used to have a perpetual grow, Only ran for just over 6 months, got through 3 crops and had to pull the last before end in a bit of a police scare. It takes time to get the whole thing rolling hence only 3 grows.

I ran 1 x 600w digital in a 4 x 4 x 6 (l x w x h) tent, harvesting two plants every 4-5 weeks (averaging 12 O's per month/2 plants. So the cycle started with two plants in the flower room, then at 4 weeks two more were added, another 4-5 weeks the first two were harvested and so the cycle continued. I'm sure from just reading that sentence you can see the inherent problems with timing. I also used soil as my medium.

I also ran another 2 cupboards 2.5 x 1.5 x 5. One had a 125w (true watts) CFL for the mother and clones. The second had two 125w cfls for veg.

The whole system was a mission to operate and get the timings right, could have done with 2 flower to ease the timing issues. I needed to spend on average 2 hours a day on upkeep. I know that if I was able to continue with the setup, in a year I would have probably changed a dozen things but would have it close to perfect. Wish I had the room now :sad:

With a bit more time and practise I'm quite sure a pound a month was easily achievable with the low wattage setup like this. Experience and the right strain is key.


Well-Known Member
oh good god closetcolas i have grown gurilla for YEARS hundreds and hundreds at a time i have a HUGE loft on top of my barn/shop already perfect for the job and have mad moms now to to cut from all i need really is some duct work and lights and a cheap ass hydro set up im sure i could have a good set up for 4k and i live way out in the sticks so fuck the smell the only thing close enough to me to smell it would be a dog and if it does caust me 10k so be it. it will beat digging carrying planting and SWEATING over 500 plants out side
A word of warning mate. ALWAYS worry about the smell, you just dont know when someone could knock on your door for something completely unrelated (I know of several people caught this way). Make sure no one ever knows, sees or smells your grow. Your asking for trouble if you cheat this rule ;-)


New Member
A word of warning mate. ALWAYS worry about the smell, you just dont know when someone could knock on your door for something completely unrelated (I know of several people caught this way). Make sure no one ever knows, sees or smells your grow. Your asking for trouble if you cheat this rule ;-)
thats good advice


Well-Known Member
I got 19 oz my first grow 5 plants under a 1kw but if you know what the plants need yo can pull that super easy under 600w!