powder mildew help


Active Member

First let me say excellent site and mad props to all who have contributed.I wouldnt have gotten as far as I have without ya'll!

This is my 3rd grow,first for hydro.I went with the waterfarm buckets ,3 at first then decided to do all 6.I do not use the controller.For now I am experimenting and dont mind at all tending to each one individually.I set up shop in a side room to my place that I believe was once the backyard where someone threw down a slab of concrete and built a wall,roof,and several glass doors making this kinda like an atrium.Its 10x9x10.I put up that Styrofoam insulating sheets over the glass doors and painted them black and covered with mylar.I run 1000w HPS EYE for both veg & bloom.I am using the GH 3 part nuts @ 321 123.For exhaust I have 265 cfm blower pushing out through the ceiling with no filter as of yet.This room is not air tight because of all the glass doors and the age of the house so I figure its passive enough for intake but just to be sure I crack a few in places where no light can penetrate.I have 3 oscillating fans.It seems like great air flow.I am on day 30 of flowering and for the past 2 weeks have been seeing the white spots show up.Since it never got to hot in this room I never paid much attention to heat but bought a temp gauge with a humidity gauge.The temp when the light is on never gets passed 72f and lows 65f but the humidity was over 90% and it didnt even feel like it.I bought a 35 pint kenmoore dehumidifier and now run that sucker 24/7 but it doesnt get the humidity under 60% which is where I think my problem is.It seems to have slowed it down and I have been misting with the 1% milk spray that seems to help but I think I need something else.I stoped the drip cycle at night now and dont know if I should cut my day time cycle back also or if that would even help.I dont like my girls going hungry ;) I was thinking maybe I need to construct another smaller room inside this room either like a hut or just make one out of drywall that is air tight so I have more control with air flow but am unsure.The spots are only on the fan leaves and not up into the buds yet that I can see and some on the lower branches themselvs.Harvest is only weeks away,anyone have some clever suggestions?Oh,the strain on 3 are a romulan haze hybrid which seems to be the worst,followed by 1 og kush ,1 afgan goo and 1 I have no clue as it came from a mix bag of seeds I have collected from chronic buds that I happen to find a seed (pic 77b) which happens to be budding super double right now.



Active Member
this is also my 3rd grow but my first for hydro so i am just experimenting. I was wondering how long to run the drip ring and when not to run the drip ring? by not running it and having the water sit there doesnt it get stagnet? any tips an replys would help greatly.:joint:


Active Member

I ran 15 min on,15 off during the light cycle and 15 min every hour during dark cycle.Im using hydrotron which holds moisture well yet allows you to keep it pretty wet without to much much worries.Ive had to completely cut my dark cycle off and cut back my day cycles to once an hour hoping to cut down on my humidity problem which seemed to help a little and the cut back doesnt seem to affect the nutrient intake as of yet,buds look crazier everyday.I dont use a controller so I do each bucket separately.At first I changed the nuts every 8 days and the water and rinse the buckets themselfs and the water never looked close to getting stagnet.Once I had root mass hanging in the bucket,they began drinkin about a gallon a day.By not having a controller some f the roots are not constantly hanging in water and I am constantly adding fresh nuts.I topped with fresh water once a week when they didnt drink as much but now I alternate nute days and water only days,they dont seem to care much ;)
I picked me up some Neem today for my mildew and gunna tryt that out for a few and run a little heater (more electricity :( ) in there the help dry it out more,i can spare some extra heat.What do people do who live in 80% or higher humidity during the winter months where its cold and rainy a lot of time?
I think for my next grow im using the same room but build and enclosed airtight 6x6x8 room (with proper intake and exhaust) within it with hope to be able to control the climate in there.Any one else deal with this before?

peas and carrots


Active Member

No one? Can anyone at least tell me if building a smaller airtight room in this atrium room I have will help in a high humidity environment?I would obviously build this room with an exhaust blower and passive intake in mind but wouldnt the humid air outside be drawn inside?When it rains,the humidity levels in my house raise to over 80% and my dehumidifier runs 24/7 in my grow room.


update: The neem seems to keep it somewhat controlled.Ive only found spots in the lower branches and fan leaves where is where I aim the exhaust from the dehumidifier that also seems to help.Some of the white hairs are beginning to lightly orange.It wont be long now ;)


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, you've got at least 30 days left until buds are ripe, so you want to take care of the mildew now, or else your beautiful buds will have it growing inside them. Spray several times with the Neem Oil solution, say every 3-4 days.

Those waterfarms will always raise the humidity, so I'd say you want as big a space as possible, and run the dehumidifier.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member

Well kinda anyways.I was kinda just gunna try that and hope but now that you mentioned it I have higher hopes.....:-? lolz but more confident with my hopes now ;) Do I need to spray the buds with the neem or lightly mist them as well as the leaves?

It just rained and the room is pushing 70% now but is starting to go back down.What do people in rainy states do with high humidity problems?

Potroast,do you think by building a smaller room within this room will help with climate control? I just want to grow my 6 plants,it shouldnt be this difficult.My first 2 grows in a bedroom with soil and 15 plants and this kind of humidity I can understand but 6?Maybe learing to do a SCROG or keep them small would be best?Thanks for the input PR,may your buds always be green and stinky!



Active Member
serenade spray.. its organic and it works .... i tried a baking soda solution one time and it killed the growing process