Powder mildew, I hate you.


Well-Known Member
Is this a regional problem to the Southwest

This has been a difficult problem. I’ve been fighting it by increasing airflow and using this stuff.

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It's pretty tough when it's in the outside air, I have the same problems. It helps to filter the intake air, and green cure works great but also rotate in some Serenade for a 2 tiered attack. Once they are 1 month into flower all immune functions cut way down and sickness really takes off, and not much you do wont hurt the plant at that point :(
high low meter today says 51h and 44low, with the dehuey set on 45, works well, needed replacement after 7yrs, new one works better, runs less. theres about one day a year when I wouldnt be nervous without one in there.
cool.i take it no problems so far then.good to know,on my worst days, levels are a little higher than that.the dehumidifier fixes that
no problem.
It's pretty tough when it's in the outside air, I have the same problems. It helps to filter the intake air, and green cure works great but also rotate in some Serenade for a 2 tiered attack. Once they are 1 month into flower all immune functions cut way down and sickness really takes off, and not much you do wont hurt the plant at that point :(
Serenade? I’d find that at my local hydroponic store? Ask for by name?
Neem oil also helps kill PM and it's organic but nothing works better than proper plant spacing, good airflow, and low humidity. It has been so sticky up here recently even with a dehumidifier running 24/7 I still had to give my plants in veg a spray of neem. PM is systemic so if you cannot improve conditions it will happen again and get worse.
potassium bicarbonate is the best I found to fight it in veg, i'm not sure what the other 15% is in the green cure but you can get straight potassium bicarbonate in bags for super cheap.

if pm keeps popping up (which for me has happened in every instance) you're pretty much screwed, if you're spraying flowering plants infected with pm you're not going to be happy with the end product. Clean the room, sulfur burn the room and start fresh with all new genetics preferably from seed or cuts from known/verified non-pm gardens.
And set to what? 30 Liter reservoir?

I've kept mine set to 45 for 10yrs with no issues. I dont know how big the catch is , I drain to the outside, when I did measure it's removed water .... was about 2 gallons daily and another 3 with my ac unit in a humid season
I've kept mine set to 45 for 10yrs with no issues. I dont know how big the catch is , I drain to the outside, when I did measure it's removed water .... was about 2 gallons daily and another 3 with my ac unit in a humid season
Any idea what that DH costs to run per month? You don’t deal with powder mildew at all?