Powder nutrient storage


Well-Known Member
This may sound like a stupid question but I've always ran liquid nutes and this round I'm going Jack's 321. I bought a few 25lb bags. Is there something ppl recommended for storage to keep them fresh and easily usuable/resealable.
I can imagine storing powders for lengths of time would need to be in a dry environment. Maybe break the huge bag down to a handful of smaller bags and use silica packs.
You can get some inexpensive storage containers that have a gasket. I use the Sterilite containers for storing flour, sugar, rice, dogfood, etc... that I buy in large bulk bags. $10 at HD, Lowes, Walmart, etc... Just make sure to get something with a gasket so it's airtight. There's other brands that work the same as well. They come in a variety of sizes.

Checked my jacks and it's fine and has been stored 2 years in no special conditions. We average 25% humidity here so ymmv.

It will probably gel at humidities greater than 30-35%.
I pour out a couple of ziplocs at a time for daily use, but just keep it in the original bags with a few big silica packs and just push out the air and rubberband them tight-it stays nice and dry.