Wedum Boise
Well-Known Member
Why would I need you to tell me I have something I can visually see? If one of his plants has pm it's very unlikely they all don't unless his strain has a genetic resistance.
The answer to his problem is environmental control and proper preventative measures. Not spending money on a test to tell him something he already knows.
Just because there's science there to detect it doesn't mean that it has to be used. I'm sure most people can tell when they have pm without a hole punch and a fistful of cash.
The only time your able to see it is when it becomes a full spread infection on the plant. By that time the spores are spread throughout the air and potentially infect neighboring plants. If you tested a plant that has no visual signs of the infection but tested positive you would want to implement preventative measures to at least quarantine and apply treatment. Depending on the plant, some have a stronger immune system to keep pm in check but others may become weaker closer to flowering and can't fight it any longer.
By your logic it's like saying Just because there's science to detect HIV people shouldn't do it because they can develop AIDS later.