Powdery Mildew 36 Days into Flower


Well-Known Member
any thing you spray on buds is bad because you will smoke it later. do a sulfur burn. the best way do deal with powder mildew is to not get it . you can get it on your shoe in your lawn even . using strict rules about the grow room helps alot. change clothes and shoes b4 you go in and dont let others in your grow room.


Well-Known Member
sulpher burners ..keep pm in check..if you already have bad infectins its not gonna help...you need to keep airflow up..temps mid 70's...lower rh...chop anything that infected..if its covered in white fuzz...its a continmate...peace az


Well-Known Member
I know some things what can be done, and a sulphur burner should only be run 30mins til the lights go out when in bud.. it's only going to help prevent the situation!!!!
60plants is not alot, so u MUST take a siccissors and cut the leaf's that are infeccted and eaither CHOOSE to harvest a little early or go a little longer (if you have undercontroll) to make up for the lose! I you s'arinor and it seems to work well. remeber that any foiler spray is only going to help create a surface area that is not liked by the mold to prosper on!!! for what I know foiler spray DOES not cure the plant of it's sickness!!
So trim trim trim, but not to much, and try not to trim more then 20%, then simply run your burner 30mins, otherwise your just wasting. Maybe apply a charcol filter for air intake but thats more money!! Your half way, so simply just spray your protector and top the bad shit off, keep a close eye on bud mold, but I dont think you will have a problem! One thing is you can let your plants dry out more often between watering this will help with the humidity. Ever notice the humidiy increase by 10-20percent after watering!!