Powdery mildew 6 weeks into flowering HELP!


Active Member
Hello. I have been having that problem too. I have found if you can get them outside to a hose and a sprayer set on "mist" Just gently spray the leaves with a mist of plain water. It will actually wash the mildew off of the leaves and wont hurt the tricombs if done gently since they are not water soluble. This has worked great for me with plants that have powdery mildew in the later stages of blooming.
I have noticed it takes the mildew at least a week to start coming back so if you can do this a few times a week you should be fine at harvest time. It wont solve future problems with the mildew but it will save the buds you have now.
cheers Lady luck, ill give it a go :)

just got up and the humidity last night reached 59% fuck me! ill have to some how get the dehumindefier in the tent as leaving it outside did jack shit!

thanks everyone ill keep you updated!


Active Member
Personally, I never spray anything on my budz. In flowering I would wipe the leaves down with a solution of water/hydrogen peroxide. As for the budz, i would do as the Master teaches...
Yes i watched this last night and have ordered some of the stuff just incase!

has any1 ever done this?

ive now managed to get the dehumidifier in the tent so thats that sorted now just have to hope for the best!

thanks again everyone :) please keep posting your thoughts and experience on this matter!



Active Member
Just remember what you can not see is the issue. Those PM spores are blowing all over your plants and sticking to your flowers. I would definitely recommend that regardless of how you treat it, you so the H2O2 was as described on Jorge's video.



Active Member
Just remember what you can not see is the issue. Those PM spores are blowing all over your plants and sticking to your flowers. I would definitely recommend that regardless of how you treat it, you so the H2O2 was as described on Jorge's video.

Too true Chaliebud

I've ordered some! have you done this yourself?


Well-Known Member
NPK (the makers of a fine product called Mighty Wash) make a spray for PM also, I believe its called PM Wash but I dunno, I never have PM since I keep air moving in my room. So I dunno if this product was mentioned or not because I didn't read every post, BUT if PM Wash works on PM like Mighty Wash does on mites I'd get me some of that.


Active Member
NPK (the makers of a fine product called Mighty Wash) make a spray for PM also, I believe its called PM Wash but I dunno, I never have PM since I keep air moving in my room. So I dunno if this product was mentioned or not because I didn't read every post, BUT if PM Wash works on PM like Mighty Wash does on mites I'd get me some of that.
Hi DBKick

Thanks for the info

I also kept the air moving in my tent with a 12" fan but it still got me! :( I am a novice tho! so clearly I was doing something wrong! think it was my humidity! ow well you live and learn!

But everyone makes mistakes that's why they put rubbers on the end of pencils! (I do like that saying)



Well-Known Member
What is the after effect to the buds if using the sulpher method?
Does the residue stay on the bud and change the taste of the smoke? is it even healthy to smoke after a sulpher treatment?


Active Member
Too true Chaliebud

I've ordered some! have you done this yourself?
No, however a friend did wind up with a late cycle issue and did it. He reported that although a bit of an annoying time, he had no issues with mold post washing. It is critical to have air movement and get those buds back to "fresh" as opposed to "wet" levels of moisture before starting the drying and curing though.


Active Member
A sulfur burner, sorry. It's a device that melts/evaporates sulfur pellets or the like, doesn't really 'burn' the sulfur. A google search will do way more than I could explain.

Very effective for use in a tent. I use that inside and the Eagle20 outdoors.

The feel good remedies might get you through to chop, but they really aren't that effective despite all the internet myth. But, give them a go. Nothing like experience.

Hi Wetdog

lokie asked a good question?

  • What is the after effect to the buds if using the sulpher method?
    Does the residue stay on the bud and change the taste of the smoke? is it even healthy to smoke after a sulpher treatment?



anybody else had this issue so close to chop?
I just recently got I thought it was crystals I'm going into week 6... and I'm freaking as well I was told let it go to close to harvest for sulfur burn...... also I was told that reg tap. Water a few hours b4 ur lights go on so u don't burn shit when they do kick on. I'M ALSO ON MY FIRST GROWS SO PLEASE RESEARCH INFO. ANYTIME U DO ANYTHING ANYONE TELLS U