Powdery Mildew and Sulfer Burner questions


Well-Known Member
I am having major problems with PM in my spare bedroom grow.

Is a sulfur burner supposed to actually fix PM, or is it just preventative?

Is there anything else I can try in my sulfur burner, like neem oil or something, to attack the PM?

Should my circulation fans be on or off during sulfur burning?

How often can I burn sulfur? Will overdoing it wreck the plants, or just waste sulfur?

If sulfur burning is supposed to fix (rather that just prevent) PM, how quickly will the results show up? I mean, if I see PM one day, and I run the burner that night, should I be able to see the improvement the next day?

What else can I do to combat my PM problem? I can't really spray the plant, they are very small (they didn't grow much due to temperature issues), very fat (only a few days from harvesting), and very close together (deep water culture in rubbermaid-style tubs, 4 per square foot Sea of Green). Is there some fogger or something?



Active Member
i had some pm issues. with my sog. so i lollypoped all the plants and put a fan blowing towards all the stems and it seemed to fix it. more air flow = less pm