Powdery Mildew / Fungi

Hi guys, are there any sprays out there that will at least provide some protection against powdery mildew on the plants. I'm coming towards the end of flowering and several of mine have this powdery mildew showing on the upper plants. Also, could do with some for the future :)


Well-Known Member
Baking soda and water. One teaspoon per spray bottle. It changes the ph on the leaf. Remove all badly affected leaves and make sure the fans arent blowing the pm to other not affected plants.


Well-Known Member
Milk will barely work, and only very temporarily. Luckily I haven't had PM in years, but if I were to contract it now I would personally just toss the clone entirely. But try Greencure. It was the only non-systemic I had luck with. Forget sulphur. Forget Eagle20 or other similar, gnarly cancer causing systemic agents.
Greencure will keep it at bay and will not effect taste. I've sprayed it all the way up to week 8.
Good luck


I got a liquid called PM Wash. I got powdery mildew in flower of my last run and it worked great. I just sprayed them every couple of days and it got rid of almost all I had and kept it from coming back. You don't need to add water and you can use it all the way up to the day of harvest. Does not leave any different smell or effect the buds at all.
To be fair you don't want to save any buds effected by mildew, leave extraction on 24/7 in flower 2 lower r/h as plants sweat in the dark


Well-Known Member
Skim milk works decently due to the titanium oxide in it.
H202 also works well.
Finding the reason you have PM is the best option.
I've seen plants with PM turn 180 ( no more PM ) due to condition control.
I would still do a H202 wash at harvest,

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Google up Horse Tail Grass Tea in bulk. Health food tea.
Buy some.
Brew it as directed for the amount to fill your sprayer.
Fill the sprayer with the cooled down "tea".
Spray plant with it.....The plant LIKES it!
100% organic and WORKS - use right up until harvest!

If you are real industrious......Google the image of Horse Tail Grass and go out side and find your own! Dry it and brew as normal.
This stuff grows all over the place here in MI.

We spray this on all the squash family of plants (witch get PM bad) on the farm.
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