Powdery Mildew help


Active Member
Can anyone link me or give a description to cure this problem.

I went into my space today and noticed that a couple plants had it on a couple leaves. I've sprayed sm-90 on the plants along with heavy 16 foliar and this seems to be a preventative for the most part. I've never ever dealt with this problem before and have no idea what to do to fix it. I read a few forums and people reccoment getting mighty wash and power wash and spraying that as a foliar before lights come on for a few days in a row.

If anyone could recommend a better product or have a home remedy I would appreciate it. I just started flowering about 4 days ago and looking to get it fixed.
even if you can get it off the plants, it's still in the grow space. you have to clean everything to get rid of it, the walls, ceiling, everything. this doesn't help much but mildew is difficult to get rid of and there's no quick solution. good ventilation can help prevent it.
Baking soda and water, mix it up and rub the affected leaves with your wet fingertips do not spray.
Repeat for a couple of days and it should be gone.
This is not a preventive measure just a cure so you need to get your environment in control or else is gonna come back
Baking soda and water, mix it up and rub the affected leaves with your wet fingertips do not spray.
Repeat for a couple of days and it should be gone.
This is not a preventive measure just a cure so you need to get your environment in control or else is gonna come back
How much bicarbonate to water ? why do you not recommend spraying on the plants ?
Baking soda and water, mix it up and rub the affected leaves with your wet fingertips do not spray.
Repeat for a couple of days and it should be gone.
This is not a preventive measure just a cure so you need to get your environment in control or else is gonna come back

Also like the pollack said unless I clean my entire grow space won't it come back time and time again ?
If its powder mildew its not much to worry about imo. your either short on ventilation, you need a dehumidifier, or you got water on your leaves

I only get it from spilling water on my leaves and the relative humidity is often around 70 here

I certainly never had to sterilize my grow space for wpm
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Can anyone link me or give a description to cure this problem.

I went into my space today and noticed that a couple plants had it on a couple leaves. I've sprayed sm-90 on the plants along with heavy 16 foliar and this seems to be a preventative for the most part. I've never ever dealt with this problem before and have no idea what to do to fix it. I read a few forums and people reccoment getting mighty wash and power wash and spraying that as a foliar before lights come on for a few days in a row.

If anyone could recommend a better product or have a home remedy I would appreciate it. I just started flowering about 4 days ago and looking to get it fixed.
Polishpollack is right. Mildew isn't going anywhere. Those spores will be there until the day you clean everything, and even then, you're going to have to stay on of it. Mildew shouldn't be taken lightly, and frankly, from what I'm reading now, you should look for preventatives that are both FOLIAR and SYSTEMIC, because the door is now open to everything and anything. :(
I only learn this recently from a spider mite infestation. My room was clean, I've never had a problem with bugs or anything, and I've been working in dirt forever! How did I get spider mites in my grow tent?
I needed to top off my soil, so while waiting for FFOF to come in, I bought some "ALLEGED ORGANIC" mix called, "Hydrosoil." Sounds safe, right? Yeah, well I used it during the last two weeks of veg on my plants, and in seven days I got a wonderful present:
Sprouts of lawn grass popping up through the hydro clay balls.

Two weeks after that, I'm on line trying to figure out why i was seeing tiny holes, little white spots and shades of white/grey that could be wiped off with my finger. I got a refund for the nasty dirt, but that's little reward for what started out a beautiful grow. Grrrrr.
Now I wear my purple surgical gloves whenever I go into my tents, because what they say is true - "Once you get 'em, you got 'em." :(
I'm sorry that you guys had out breaks and one thing led to the next problem which seemed for me the same thing is happening.

Can you guys give me your solutions you used to fix it though? I've been reading nonstop about way to fix it and came across a product called green cure. Anyone have any good reviews or bad about this whether it works or not. Looking to order some to jump on this problem because I know that this stuff can spread.

Also I took some clones from my room a few days ago before I noticed any sort of disease. Will these clones be okay or do I have to kill everything off and get all new clones and gear ? Thanks
Abe! I did the same thing, taking a few clones from my plants after topping off my soil, but before the infestation was detected. So, the same organic fungicide/pesticides I used to fix the infestation, I'm using on my clones as a preventative. That's why I strongly advise getting started on a systemic treatment for ALL your plants right now, to protect what doesn't appear to be infected, yet inevitable the moment you let your guard down.
Here's a link to where I got my help from, but it is costly, so keep this in mind. It's called, SNS and they are freakin' fantastic as a first strike against ANY problem in the garden/tent. Once you do this, then you can set up a schedule to use something effective, but not overly expensive to keep it under control. I wish I had known about it before I used anything else.
Here's the great part: I got samples from them covering all potential issues that come against plants, and all I paid was the shipping and handling! I got both systemic and foliar along with samples of their nutrients, each enough to create 1 qt to 20 gallons of what's needed most when any kind of infestation rears its ugly head.
I'm not salesperson, nor do I get money for putting this out there, but I just learned this morning that I won a free, concentrated pint of my favorite foliar spray, "SNS-217" the miracle worker of spider mite infestation (and a few other bugs I hate). And they ship quickly, too. Here's their video on spider mite infestation:
and here's their website:

Hope this helps.
I'm sorry that you guys had out breaks and one thing led to the next problem which seemed for me the same thing is happening.

Can you guys give me your solutions you used to fix it though? I've been reading nonstop about way to fix it and came across a product called green cure. Anyone have any good reviews or bad about this whether it works or not. Looking to order some to jump on this problem because I know that this stuff can spread.

Also I took some clones from my room a few days ago before I noticed any sort of disease. Will these clones be okay or do I have to kill everything off and get all new clones and gear ? Thanks

Unfortunately, PM is systemic and if the moms had it the clones will have it. Even if you keep your room clean there is always PM in the environment in many parts of the world. You just have to create conditions that don't allow PM to thrive and you won't see it.

I do two three things to keep PM away.

1) Low humidity. By low I mean 40% or less. I often use a dehumidifier during the winter to keep the humidity down.
2) Really really good airflow. I can't stress this enough. When growers get PM this almost always part of the problem, if not THE problem.
3) Sulfur burner. I typically run it for 1.5 hours around day 10 of flowering and again around day 20 assuming an 8 week flowering cycle, or more. That gets me through to the end. Zero PM. Nada.

I have battled PM for decades and there are only two things that you can do. One is what I just mentioned, create a hostile environment. The other is to use a systemic fungicide like Eagle 20 that actually kills PM. Nothing else works. "Green" products that claim to control PM don't do shit on their own. They either have to be used in conjunction with other things that I mentioned like airflow, or they may not work at all. There is a lot of snake oil in hydro stores these days.

~edit.... I don't recommend using Eagle 20. It's nasty stuff and illegal to obtain in some states.
Unfortunately, PM is systemic and if the moms had it the clones will have it. Even if you keep your room clean there is always PM in the environment in many parts of the world. You just have to create conditions that don't allow PM to thrive and you won't see it.

I do two three things to keep PM away.

1) Low humidity. By low I mean 40% or less. I often use a dehumidifier during the winter to keep the humidity down.
2) Really really good airflow. I can't stress this enough. When growers get PM this almost always part of the problem, if not THE problem.
3) Sulfur burner. I typically run it for 1.5 hours around day 10 of flowering and again around day 20 assuming an 8 week flowering cycle, or more. That gets me through to the end. Zero PM. Nada.

I have battled PM for decades and there are only two things that you can do. One is what I just mentioned, create a hostile environment. The other is to use a systemic fungicide like Eagle 20 that actually kills PM. Nothing else works. "Green" products that claim to control PM don't do shit on their own. They either have to be used in conjunction with other things that I mentioned like airflow, or they may not work at all. There is a lot of snake oil in hydro stores these days.

~edit.... I don't recommend using Eagle 20. It's nasty stuff and illegal to obtain in some states.
finally someone else focusing on a solution other than cleaning everything. this person is right. ive gotten powder mildew enough times to know if your conditions are good it will dissapear just as fast with no issues.

And a sulfer burner will work but dont make this mistake http://rollitup.org/t/sulfur-burned-plants-please-help.944250/#post-13638142
I just sprinkle small amount on a 16oz cup stir and apply, its a salt you dont want to spray or it can get in your soil (not good)

I don't have soil I run hydro. I looked more into green cure and think that's goons help. Ordered a systemic pesticide that a lot of people don't like to use but have to use when backed in a corner
Does it says anything about killing mildew? Pesticides are usually just good for bugs. Mildew is a disease, but best of luck on this. It sucks to have mildew.
Controlled environment (good airflow, low RH) and Green Cure. If mothers have it, so will the clones.
PM sucks. I got it a few yrs ago from taking in cuttings I didn't quarantine long enough. When my AC kicked out, the PM showed up on those cuttings and spread to the plants touching them. I tried everything. Baking Soda, Mighty Wash, Neem. Nothing but the Green Cure worked.
No way in hell would I use Eagle 20 so everything affected in my veg tent went straight to the fire pit and everything else got wkly sprays of GC. Havent had any issues since.
Theres some really useful info in this thread. Follow it and you should be good to go.
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Does it says anything about killing mildew? Pesticides are usually just good for bugs. Mildew is a disease, but best of luck on this. It sucks to have mildew.

Sorry I meant to say fungicide. Been doing so much reading lately and replying to forums.
Can anyone link me or give a description to cure this problem.

I went into my space today and noticed that a couple plants had it on a couple leaves. I've sprayed sm-90 on the plants along with heavy 16 foliar and this seems to be a preventative for the most part. I've never ever dealt with this problem before and have no idea what to do to fix it. I read a few forums and people reccoment getting mighty wash and power wash and spraying that as a foliar before lights come on for a few days in a row.

If anyone could recommend a better product or have a home remedy I would appreciate it. I just started flowering about 4 days ago and looking to get it fixed.

I just posted a pm test that was used on one of the members samples to screen for pm. He used lactobacillus which helped to suppress the fungus and prevent it from vascularizing and sporulation. The thread is Powdery Mildew Screening.
Sulfer burning is a good tool to have in your PM arsenal.
Ideally, burn (vaporize actually) the entire room, including all equipment BEFORE any plants are introduced. (remove or cover all your sensors, led's bulbs, you don't want to jack up thermostats in dehueys, ac's, etc..!!!!)
Do your homework, or else. it's another way to burn your house down.....if not careful.