Powdery mildew it's forever? Or it's possible to remove entirely?


Well-Known Member
Hello fellas I have a mother plant which have powdery mildew. A few spots in a few leaves. Not more than 3 or 5 leafs. So my question is: the powdery mildew has ruined my plant? I have heard that the powdery mildew it's systemic, so it's inside the plant, but... Can displace around the whole plant? Or if I have remove the affected leaves, removing the spores spreading.

I will take healthy cuts free of fungus?

Thank you all in advance!
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Well-Known Member
theres great debate on whether pm is systemic or not. personally i dont think it is. ive had it before and got rid of it and hasnt returned. the washing machine i am currently flowering had it last year and never again. cleaning is your main goal here. i mean to.the point you think youre going nuts. i run uv and ozone as well to kill any lingering spores.
good luck man. pm has ruined a few grows for.me in the past. few years ago i brought autos in/outside and they brought aphids and pm. fucked my life for a while but a good learning opportunity.
remember even 1 spore can start an outbreak in ideal conditions. strengthen plants with silica. spray with neem in veg. low rh%
prevent it from happening


Well-Known Member
I've had some phenos that would always get it no matter what I sprayed or did with the environment and other phenos that never got it even next to ones that had it. You might have to throw that one away and start with different one


Well-Known Member
if you can see the pm its already been there for weeks. once you see it it is already sending spores. millions of them. it is now everywhere on all the plants around it in your tent lights fans pots soil. carbon filter carpet walls etc etc.

clean like a mofo